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Jungkook walk back into the castle with the boy in his arms and went straight into his chambers and tie the boys wrist to a supporting beam like so that he wouldn't escape. He walk up to the close door and told the guard to not let anyone in regardless who and especially Sarah.

This boy is more work than he thought it would be, but what can he do? He sees that he is unaware about himself and yet-he don't know what to do and if he thought about asking Sarah for help? Forget it, she'll only make things worst. Soon he's was a bit calm and figuring out what his next move is, he release the boys pressure points and hearing a sigh of relief, and let him rest.

He went back to his desk that is set across the bed area and sit down where scrolls lying around and read more about The Park family line. To his surprise there is so many document about the family and their relation with blue bloods and something about the moon that didn't quite make sense, like there is something missing. He know that his ancestors was engaged to the Park Family long ago, but something happened and every time Jungkook tried to think about it his head starts to hurt.


"Yes, my Lord?"

"Tell Jin to bring in some food here and to let him in."

"Yes, My Lord." And so one of the guard left his post to find Jin and ask to make food for their Lord.

Not long after the boy finally wake up, but startled when he finds that his hands are tie up to a support beam and quickly got scared. "Relax would you, I'm not here to hurt you. Okay. I just want answers that is all."

Jimin not speaking to the stranger, but just stared at him. Figuring out what to do next since he is tie up at the moment. Soon after, the door knock and Jin came in with a tray of food and set it next to Jungkook, which had Jimin stare at the food instead. Jin smile at the boy and left the two alone in the room and said that he'll come by later to pick up the tray. Jimin just look at the tall man who is just eating peacefully, until suddenly his stomach starts to growl. Jungkook chuckled to himself and look up at the boy who is starting at his food, in hunger. "Hungry?" He asked him.

Jimin look up and turn the other way and stare the outside of the strangers room which had a mini yet beautiful outside garden. "I ask you a question, but I guess you're not hungry." Jungkook said to him as he see that he is being stubborn. "Fine." And he continued to eat more food and continue reading.

Jimin didn't speak a word, but he is so hungry that his stomach would stop rambling. Finally Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, slamming his chopsticks on the table. He got up and walk over to the boy with a bowl of rice and decided that he was going to hand feed him rice with a spoon like. Jimin kept his mouth close afraid it might be a trick to poison him, but it smell so good. "Relax will you? It's not poison." Jungkook said to him as if he could read his mind.

Finally Jungkook heard his voice different from earlier when he was scared or when he was not himself. "How can I trust you? For all I know you could be faking it." He says to Jungkook still looking the other way and not facing him.

"Woowww.... really? Just eat this pleeeease. I am tired of hearing your stomach calling for food." While Jungkook hold out a spoon full of rice towards Jimin's mouth, but still keeping it shut and right away Jungkook got annoyed by his stubbornness.

Obviously he see that he is not budging, sighing in frustration he had to come up with something to open his mouth. "Well if your not going to eat, I might was hand you over the Lord Tao. Since he is desperately wanting you for some reason." Even though Jungkook would never hand him over to him. As pretty as he is, the boy is too beautiful to just hand over to him. On top of it he sees why lord Tao wanted him after reading the Park family. For that all he knows for sure is that he could use him for power and kill him afterwards.

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