Second Try*

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Jungkook pov

After a long day at the throne room, I am about had it with this arrangement marriage thing. They think they can control me? I don't think so, I am the one who controls them not other way around. I even wonder how father managed them? Aside all that now I have to deal with Maria, ugh! Seriously? Just when I thought I finally have Jimin to myself.

As I walk down the hall to my chambers, the moon shines bright tonight as I talk to "Why must you bring me challenges?" I asked and just shake my head was I walk. Soon I reach to the door to my surprise is everyone here. "What are you guys doing here? Something wrong?" I asked "Jimin is not in danger is he?" Getting worry as I hurry to the sleeping quarters, only to see him sleeping soundly and I sigh in relief. "What going on?"

"Nothing, we were just worried about him, cause we thought he had died." Said Jin.

"Well he did." I said to them.

"What!" They all shouted at me.

"Shhh.... you'll wake him up." And we all walk back to the main room away from the bedroom area and sit down at the study room.

"Then how did he survive?" Taehyung asked.

"To my understanding it was Lady Tao and her daughter who made the sacrifice in restarting this and erased everyone's memories. Since it was against the gods doing, she managed it with a heavy price to pay."

"Do you think her daughter survived?" Namjoon asked.

"I don't know."

"Jungkook?" Jimin said in a small voice from the other side of the room.

I turn my direction to Jimin and see him rubbing his eyes and yawning, "right here." I said.

Opening his eyes, he look at me with his sleepy eyes and walk up to me as I reach out my hand to him. He came up and took my hand as I pull him close where he is now sitting on my lap resting his head on my shoulders. "What took you so long?" He says in his sleepy voice.

"Sorry, they just put piles of work on me today."

"Well they should ease off some, you know who much I hated it when your gone too long."

"I know and I'm sorry."

He lift up his head and look at me, "and what are you going to do for making it up?"

"And that my friends it our queue to leave. Good night Jungkook." Taehyung said, everyone clear their throats and got up and left us alone in the room.

"Jimin... what was that about?" Lifting my eyebrow at him.

Jimin turn around where I have his utmost divided attention. Putting his arms around my neck and lean closer where there is nothing in between us. Facing each other, "I don't know... I suddenly feel empty inside and I feel like there should be something but I don't know what. Will you help me fill in the emptiness I'm feeling?" He says as lean down a little and starts nibbling on my neck.

"Are you sure, Jimin?"

"Please..." Jimin begs for me and start to move his hips on my member, making it hard.

"Are you feeling okay?" I asked him, he nodded his head while I sigh in disbelief, "Well if you want you can go ahead, I'll give you ahead start before I start punishing you for leaving the room without me at night" I said to him.

"Really?" He says

"Really." So Jimin starts kissing me hungrily and I can tell that he misses me when it's only a serval hours that we are apart. He slowly starts moving down, un-tie the sash that hold my outfit in place.

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