Love At First Sight

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Jungkook pov

"Jungkook! Come here! There is someone I want you to meet!" Shouted my mother from afar.

"What does she want now?" Joseph asked in annoyance as we are playing a game of how long we could balance on one leg.

"Hey! She's my mother, respect her at least." I said to him.

"Well fine. Let's see how long you last though."

"Hold on!" I shouted back to him as I tried to keep my balance good.

In the distance I see that my mother is talking to one of the lady and assume it is a Lady Park that is with her, but she is also looking for someone as well. Which is cool since i sure don't want to lose to Joseph in this game.

madam Park continued to shout someone's name and still there is no one coming. "Yah!" Joseph shouted as I see that he is about to lose balance finally.

"Ha! You can't do it for long can you." I said to him, until finally he was about to lose his balance and push me off balance which is the result of me falling on the ground so he can win.

"Ha! I win." He said.

"Say what? You cheated by tipping me off."

"But I was smart about it, since you were distracted easily."

"How is that smart? You cheating your way out of it." I got up and brush the dirt off my clothes.

"Yeah? And what are you going to do about it?"

"Why you..." and start chasing him through our family palace garden.

"Boys!" Shouted our mothers but it was too far to hear clearly as we go further into the garden area.

"Joseph!" I shouted,"get back here!" but he is already ahead that he is probability out hiding somewhere in the garden.

I went all over the place that is commonly known area around and every statue area that i could think, still there is no sign of Joseph anywhere. Going further in the garden, which is unfamiliar to a point I am lost to where I am at now. As big as a garden we have there is still places that I have not yet explored. "Joseph!? Come on! This is not funny anymore." I trip over a bush branch and see a waterfall in the distance which I didn't know we have, but there is someone there and by looks that person is not Joseph. 

This person is beautiful with jet black hair with silver highlights on the hair. Keeping my distance he is wearing a long red kimono like that drags on the ground and walks into the water, but stop midway. Very gracefully he start to move his hands, eyes close and start to dance in the water. His movement is so captivating that it made me drool from my mouth oddly enough. Slowly the water that is surrounding him start to move and with one movement of his hand the water lift up in midair and start to surround the boy. Pulling out a fan from his sleeves and with a snap of his wrist the water spread out further out, leaving an 'aw' moment.

He continued to dance more gracefully to a point where he movements are like water, until something jump behind me that I shout quietly to see that is was just Joseph that came from behind me. "What the hell?!" Whispering to him "are you trying to give me a heart attack!"

"Hehehe.." was all he said, "sorry. What are you doing here? And I was wondering if you got lost or gave up or something like that so I went looking for you." He says until he look to where i was looking at. "Oh wow! She's beautiful" looking at the boy who is still dancing in the water. "and attractive too." He said looking at the person still and being memorized by him..

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