Second Chance

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(Still in flashbacks)

Author pov

Both Joseph and Sarah watch as Jungkook kiss Jimin with full on passion that it made a feeling of ashamed to even watch the two. Rage took both of them that they both pull out their weapons and start attacking them, separating the two couple.

In few hours in which seems like to Jimin, he started to panting as he is trying to keep up with Sarah aggressive attacks, while Jungkook is being occupied with Joseph.

"You ugly whore!" Sarah say as she charge towards Jimin once again.

Jimin pull out his fan as an illustration to block her attacks and use his sword to swing, but she dodged it leaving a small cut on her cheeks. Jimin knelt down a bit with his sword as a support as he tried to catching his breath once again. The baby is draining him and as he look up the sky, the moon start to come up behind the mountains and this time it's a full moon.

Sarah see that Jimin is getting weak and right off the back, she hurry up to see an end of him with one swing. Right when she is in range, and ominous feeling sprung up and quickly fall back. She look and see something circling around him, a purple color with black mist circling him. Next thing you know she heard a sinister chuckled from Jimin.

He stretched his arms, "mmmm.... that was a good nap, I must say I didn't expect this myself, to be drain quickly."

"What are you talking about?" She asked Jimin.

Jimin didn't pay any attention to her, but look to see where he is at. After looking his surroundings it hit him with an 'oh' moment before looking at Sarah.

"You again."

"Me? Again? You have some nerve, Jimin."

"Hmmm.... and you are my nerves, always interfering with me." Holding his baby belly as it is showing a little more. "I must say I can give you credit for your love for my husband."

"Husband? Your not even married to begin with."

"No, but we will. After all I am carrying his child. Only I can give him child and no other creature can but me."

"Your crazy, I'm a woman of course I can." Pulling her sword up and went straight towards him as Jimin smile at her.

He quickly dodge her swings from right, left and right. "Do you even know what Jungkook is as well? Or what kind of creature he is? I must say I rarely meet such a man. The Jeons are lucky to have a son like him." Jimin says to her and he took his fan and open in front of her to distract her, she grab his wrist and squeeze it hard that made Jimin flinch in pain a little. So he use his free hand and swing the other sword but she backflip landing on her feet perfectly. "I see your getting slow, Jimin." And charge at him once again.


Meanwhile Jungkook and Joseph sword fight each other with such skill that almost mouth dropping. The right to clam Jimin, when it is obvious Jungkook already has. In denial Joseph will not have it, "do you even know what Jimin is?" He asked Jungkook.

"And do you think I'm stupid enough to not know what he is? He's been around me 24/7 Joseph, of course I know what he is." Jungkook said to him.

In anger Joseph charge at Jungkook and Jungkook can easily predict his movement since Jimin gave  some of his powers to Jungkook and he can read his movements like a cake. It wasn't long when Jungkook heard the sound of Jimin screaming and it took him off his concentration and look to see that Jimin slip and fell backwards landing hard on the ground while Sarah charge at him piercing his right shoulder with her sword at hand.

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