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Soon Jungkook walk out angrily, Adam followed out angry as well in the opposite direction of Lord Jeon. Everyone in the room including Jungkook friends were speechless of what Jungkook said. "What dose he mean he'd tried?" Jin asked them.

Taehyung look at the door where Jungkook walk off with Jimin in his arms and folded his arms as well leaving a big heavy sigh in frustration. "I think I know what he's talking about." He says and they all stared at Taehyung waiting for him to say more, but Namjoon let out 'ah' sound when he caught on what Taehyung was saying.

"Follow me." Namjoon says and they all went to the library where all the scrolls are at and pick out the one scroll with all the dust that piled on it. "Here. I found this while I was reading and I kept it hidden from everyone that come across here." And handed the scroll to them.

They open the scroll and began to read it ....

Meanwhile Adam storm into his room throwing all the documents on this desk in anger and yelling. "THE FOOL!!" He shouted. "LOVE!? Who needs love when you have POWER!"

"Oh my what tantrum you throw." Laughing evilly.

Right away Adam turn around and see it was Lady Miku. "What do you want? Get out!"

"Getting the boy is not easy as you think is it?"


"How about I offered my assistance?"

"What do you mean?" He asked.

Right then Lady Miku transform herself into her true form as Maria. While Adam remains shock of her beauty. "How about you help me in getting Lord Park his powers with this." Showing Adam the Fan that she stole from Jimin's room. "And with that power I will help you defeating your enemies including Lord Jeon himself."

Convincing he agrees with it, "Deal, but there will be a hiccup along the way."

"Oh? And what is that?"

"That boy is carrying Lord Jeons child, twins to be exact."

"Twins? How interesting."


Back Jungkook chambers, the palace doctor came by and check Jimin vitals to see if he's okay and so as the twins. "You know, I said to not stress him when he's in his early stage of his pregnancy." The doctor lectures Jungkook about it.


"Sorry?! Considered it lucky! One wrong move and you'll lose the twins!" Yelling a little more loudly and Jungkook flinch by it.

"What c—" but got cut off from the doctor.

"What can you do?! What can you do!!!" Raising her voice a little more. "I'll tell you want you can do! Stop him before it even begin! My Lord! You are the Lord, after all you have the power to stop this mess! I can't believe you let it happened! No excuse my Lord!"

While the doctor is giving Jungkook a lecture of a life time about being careless when one is pregnant and how it will affect Jimin. Meanwhile behind closes doors Taehyung, Jin, Namjoon, yoongi and Hoseok all waited out as they listen in on what the head doctor had to say. "Wow! I never heard the old woman so angry before." Whispered Taehyung and looking back at his buds and they all shook their heads in agreement.

"Remind me not to get on her bad side." Said Hoseok and all of them agreed again.

Unexpectedly the door open and they all fell down like dominos surprising Jungkook and the doctor. "Good! Your all here. You might as well talk some sense into him!" And walk storm out of the room.

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