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That night after Jungkook's friends walked out of his room and told the Guards that they should guard a little further away from room. Like outside the lords chambers, or guard the front of the resident doorway and not let anyone enter until tomorrow. The Guards understood what they meant by that and right away they move away from Jungkook's chambers to guard the lord's resistant door way at the front.

They double check everything to see it's all okay before leaving. Soon they find it all good to go, there was a commotion at the front of the main doorway. "What is going on here!" Taehyung said and see that it is Sarah's father who wanted to see Jungkook, but the guard stopped him from going in. "I need to see Lord Jeon now." He said to them.

"Do you know who late it is? Whatever it can wait until tomorrow." Yoongi said to him.

"But this is important."

"Is it about what? Your daughter?" Taehyung asked him and than silence fall on him. "Well... it can wait whatever it is."

"Have some respect for the elder and How dare you, she's my only daughter and I bet she can do more things than that boy can."

"Enough! I'm sorry sir, but you will have to wait for tomorrow. Lord Jeon had a long day from his meetings and now he is needed of rest." Namjoon said to him.

"But that boy! He needs to go! I heard from Lord Jeons officials of what he is. He could bring destruction to our land."

"That is for Lord Jeon to decide. Please go home, we are all tired and you as well. Take a rest and talk to him tomorrow." Taehyung added.

"Alright. But the longer we delay this the more dangerous he gets." He says and walk away from Jungkook's resident doorway.

"No matter what. Don't let anyone in. Until Lord Jeon himself comes out of his chambers or any of us comes in. Understood?"

"Yes my lords. And you have a good night."


Jimin pov

The next day I woke up slowly but my eyes are still feeling a bit heavy not sure when we finally fell asleep but, I see my Kookie sleeping soundly. Still feeling tired and exhausted, I rest my head back on Jungkook chest again and let the sleepiness take over once again.

Jungkook pov

My eyes still close as it felt heavy to open them, I felt something moving a little but soon there is weight on my chest again. Stretching, I wrap my arms around Jimin holding him tight in my arms and continued to sleep some more, feeling that it's way too early to wake up or move around at the moment.

Jin pov 

I woke up with an empty bed, figuring that Namjoon is already at the library. I got up and decided to make lunch for the couple, since it's too early to see them right now. I got up and got dressed ready for the day, but soon I got out of my room Hoseok and Taehyung greeted me at the door. "Oh? What are you guys doing here?"

"We thought maybe you want some help making lunch." Taehyung said and Hoseok just nodded his head.

"Well if that the case let's go, I'm sure they will be hungry time we get there."

We all walk down to the main kitchen and see everyone making breakfast for the workers here. "Jin! Did you hear?" One of the cooks says as she came up to me all happy.

"What?" Being curious of what's the latest tea around the palace. There is always something going on here and it's never ending.

"They found a suiter for Lord Jeon! Finally! Now our lord will have an heir."

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