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Jimin pov

"Jimin... jimin.... jimin.... wake.... up"

I woke up to the sound of my name calling, to see that jungkook is still sleeping snuggling onto me tightly at my waist. He look so soft, different when he is awake during the day and like this side of even during the day as well as night.

"Jimin.... jimin..... jimin.... help... me..."

Again the voices calling me, looking around I see that it is still dark but in the far distance a small light rising slowly. Which shows that the sun might come up soon.

"Jimin.... help.... me...."

I got up slowly not waking jungkook and quiet look for my silk white robe, taking another step I immediately fell hard on the floor. As the after shock of roughness caught on to me. Quickly I look back at jungkook to see if he move an inch or so but so far not a single muscle move, I sigh in relief that he is a heavy sleeper thank goodness cause he is still in the same position. I got up again and found my robe and put it on quickly, very quietly walk out of the room and see the guards there, but didn't say anything but nodded their head as I go out.


I continued to walk down the hallway as the whispers continued to grow more as it eventually lead me outside of Jungkook's resident to a forest up ahead. Hesitantly, I took a deep breath and continued to walk down the forest path. I hear crickets singing, fireflies dancing into the night and frogs carriage a tone with the crickets.

The further I walk the music of the creatures stop around me becoming a dead silence. "Hello?" I asked feeling scared as I am not liking the quietness it gives. "Hello?" I said again walking slowly down the path.

"Finally I got you alone." Said a voice in the distance.

Quickly turn around and see a young female dress in a dark green outfit with a long black hair that is not tie up property. "Who are you?" I said to her as she only chuckled at me.

"Oh~ my have you forgotten of me? Can't blame you since you die a tragically, which I very much enjoyed watching back then. Maybe i'll help you remembering it again." She pulled out a sword from her sleeves and start to charge towards me.

"Wha—" closing my eyes tight to prepare myself for my end but everything went silence as if nothing happen. Carefully peeking out, I see jungkook is with me blocking her attacks with his own sword in this hand. "Jungkook! When did you?"

"Silence." Raising his voice at me like he is mad, which scared me that I fell, he push her back quickly and turn around swiftly grabbing hold of me to keep me from losing my balance. He turn his attention to the woman in anger. "You! What are you doing here?" As if he knows her.

"Having fun?" She Chuckled. "I'm just here to take back what is mine to begin with."  Pointing her sword at me. Confused as to what she is talking about, me? What did I take from her? I don't know.

"Yours? Nothing is yours."

"Oh? He stole it and I want it back. Or should I make him suffer in reliving his tragic end?"

Stole? I thought to myself, what is it that I stole? I never stole anything in my life before.

"Don't you dare!" Jungkook said taking me off my thoughts.

"Ooo~ anger? I like that, I think I WILL since I do enjoy seeing people suffer especially him and I will very much like to see him tearing himself apart."  She snap her fingers that echo the whole place along with a chilling breeze that rushing pass us. Then suddenly the sound of ringing slowly echos and then became loud that I had to cover my ears. To a point light flashes before my eyes like lightning.

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