A Stolen Gift

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Author pov

"Your majesty, I object this relation you have with this young man you have around." Jungkook's advisor said to him.

"I agree with him, my lord. This is an outrage, what would the  peo—"

"What would they, the people would think? They approve of this long time ago and as well as my parents before they pass. You need to accept my relation with him no exemption."

"But my lord, we already found a suiter for you! At least meet her and maybe can you change your mind."

"Excuse me?! Change my mind!"

The advisor clap his hand and the huge heavy doors swung open revealing a young and far more beautiful female. Jungkook is not going to lie that she is indeed beautiful, but to compare her beauty with Jimin is going to be a challenge. Jungkook knows that Jimin will have some competition up ahead, but didn't think it will be soon. And this will be Jimin's test to show that no one can take Jungkook away from him. "Meet Lady Miku from the East side of the region, who was adopted by the long lost family of the Parks clan. Apparently, she was hiding as a handmaiden at Lady Sarah's residence."

"Why come out now?" Jungkook ask right away with questions.

"Forgive me my lord," bowing down. "Complication fell upon me until one of the handmaiden found out about me and pull out from hiding."

Already jungkook finds this sort of excuse fishy but let it slide cause of his officials wanted this from him. "Fine, but I am not going to agree with arrangement of ours. However, I'll have someone prepare you a room in the south side of palace where one of the lady in waiting use to reside in." Jungkook said in a serious tone of voice with full authority.

"Thank you, my lord." She bow down one last time and head out with one of the guards escorting her to the room she is assigning to.

"Thank you lord Jeon, now shall we get some other business settle with shall we?"

"Very well."

Jimin pov

Soon after jungkook left the room, TaeTae came in to keep me in company while jungkook attended his meetings. Already I feel empty and so needy for him to return, which is strange if you ask me when I'm only here for the few moons maybe? I don't know but it felt longer to me.

"So Jimin, how is he? Is he really good as he says he is or is he just making it up?"



"I don't know what your talking about." As blush came up to my face and hide it with my hands.

"Dont lie. I can hear you both a mile away."

"Your lying. Jungkook cast a spell to hide."

"Ah! But it's useless when he is into it, it just weaken its magic."

"No...." saying in denial. "There is no such thing." I really look into his eyes to see if he is making this up, cause you can tell if he's lying through his eyes. Not keeping a straight face he started to giggle. "Ha! Your lying after all. See you cant be serious with me."

"Hehehehe....sorry, at least I've tried."

"Humph. Figures."

"Hey chim?" Looking around before speaking to me, "don't you get a series of dejavu?" Tae finally asked me.


"Yeah. Like we had this conversation before or done something before or going to the same place too?"

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