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Lord Tao pov

"Damn him! I was close in having him!" As I walk into my chambers and to see that my little sister there waiting for me to arrive home.

"Hello brother, I see that you fail in capturing him again." She says and got up where she was sitting and about to leave. "why must you have him? What is he anyways? You've been obsessing with him for a long long time now and I don't even know why."

"That is because he is a blue blood."

"A what?"

"A blue blood, But don't worry I'll have him again, I will take control of the world and use his powers and then when I'm finished I shall kill him myself to immortality." Laughing eviling. "But It has to be done at the right time of the Blue Moon night or else it wouldn't work."

"Your crazy. It's no wonder our parents dishonored you."

"Hey! I did what I did for us!" Walking up to her and grab her waist pulling her close. Touching her chin so she could look at me, "Once I have the blue blood in my possession, you will rule next to me." And slowly I lean in to kiss her beautiful lips.

Tao's sister pov

Out of nowhere my brother suddenly starts to kiss me and right off the back I smack him in the cheeks, "how dare you! I'm your sister! I am tired of your greed brother. If you want the Park boy then go ahead, I will no longer be in the chase for power anymore. I am tired! I want peace."

"Peace?! You want peace? Well sorry to break it to you sweetheart, that boy is the only way to bring you peace!"

"For all eternity! There must be another way beside taking a life. Please brother stop this, you will anger them from above." Pointing my finger up in the sky. "Please stop this. I beg of you."

"No. Jimin is the only answer to our problems."

"Yeah? And what problem is that? Huh?" He turn around not wanting to answer my question and walk away. "Oh come on! What is it?! Spill it! Damn it! Your hiding something and I know it. What is it!" Shouting at him.

Finally he stop and look back at me, "because we are dying."

"What? We? What do you mean we? I thought your immortal? that you couldn't die in the first place."

"Well I did something to you so you can live as well."

"What! You made me one as well? How? Wait you know what I don't want to know. I'm leaving." And walk out of his room but he grab my wrist.

"Hey." Grabbing my wrist and squeezing it.


"Listen to me good. That Jimin boy is more than I think beside immortality." Squeezing even more harder.

"Brother stop your hurting me..."

"Shut up stupid girl, the Park boy is hiding something and for some odd reason I can't remember what."

"What do you mean?"

"Like a piece of my memories is missing and I like to know why. Already I have bits of it returning. Soon your memories will return as well." As he touch my cheeks, and I push it aside with my free hand.

"What are you talking about? Your not making any sense now. What do you mean my memories?" I said to him.

My brother only smile and finally let go of my wrist as I hurry out of my brothers chambers. Always greed for power yet he doesn't care of the consequences of his actions. My memories? My memories was never erased to begin with and I remember everything that my brother did. It's just that I had to pretend I don't remember to hide for my own protection and for them as well.

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