My Jimin*

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Jungkook pov

*present time*

Flashes of Jimin run through my head and I end up broken a string and a sharp pain of an headache hit me like a rock. Jimin stop dancing and walk over to me and ask if I'm okay. "Jungkook? Are you okay?" And looking at my hand. "Jungkook! Your bleeding!"

Looking down and I see that my finger is bleeding from the string that snap back at my finger. "Oh." Was all I can say and the pain came back but this time it is coming from my groin area. Unexplained pain starts to grow and when Jimin touch me it just made it thousands times worst. I called for Jin since he was close by and escort me back to my chambers. I left Jimin alone in the other room, looking rather confused as to what happen and I look back one last time and his expression of hurt hit hard.

"Jungkook are you okay? Your sweating like crazy now." Jin asked me.

"Honestly I don't know. I feel like my body is being tearing apart for some reason. I can't explain it. My head is killing me. Jin, please watch over Jimin. I don't like for him to be alone now."

Jin just look at me and nodded his head and leave me to my chambers and went to get Jimin from the room I had left him. I have no idea how it start suddenly, I strip down my clothes and I see something burning red down my groin area, like it is taking shape of something. I can feel it Pulsing and again the pain kick in. I look for some ornaments to ease the pain and it did but not as much. Putting on clean clothes and when to bed and just sleep the pain off, hoping that it will go away the next day.

Jimin pov

The song sounded familiar and that my body knows where to move and as I was about to into the chorus of the song, I hear the string snap. I stop what I was doing and I see that Jungkook was in a dazed and look at me differently. "Jungkook?" I asked him and when I look down his finger starts to bleed from the string that broke. "Jungkook! Your bleeding!" And walk over to him and then I see him sweating. I touch him and he flinch automatically and right away he called for Jin.

Jin help Jungkook up and walk out of the room, leaving me alone and confused as to what had just happen. Jungkook look back and see my hurt expression and left the room quickly as I stay behind think of what to do.

It didn't take long I hear the sound of trees moving. "Who's there!" I said looking back out in the garden area.

"What did you do?! You ugly creature?"


"Answer me you beast!" She said again.

"Why should I? I didn't do anything."

"Liar!" She said to me again, as she come closer to me the more I back away from her. Soon she step in, I tried to make my escape from but instead I got hit from that back of my head and everything went black.

Author pov

Sarah personal guard came from behind and hit Jimin in the back of the head making him unconscious and fell on the floor. Picking him up and carrying him over his shoulders as they made their way to the dungeon in far south of Sarah's resident area.

Not long after that Jin came back to pick up Jimin but to find an empty room. Panic, when he only had one job to do and already he fail in it. As he look around he found something that caught his attention and pick up and examined the object to find that it belongs to Sarah. Jin already knows that Sarah hated Jimin the moment Jungkook took Jimin in his chambers.

He hurry out to find his other friends hoping they might help since Jungkook is not feeling well suddenly.

Jungkook pov

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