Moon Child

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*back to the present time*

Author pov

Sarah watch over Jungkook as he is still resting in his bed, but this time he is running a high fever for the last two days now. Worried, she asked one of the guard to bring in a doctor to check on him. The doctor later came in and take a look over him, "hmmm." Was all he can say.

"So? Is there something you can do?" 

"Hmmm... this is unusual fever he is having. I never seen anything like this before." Just the Doctor is going to touch head, a electric shock backfire him like someone or something doesn't want anybody to interfere what is going on.

Jungkook on the other is breathing heavily and tried to find some way to ease the pain that he is currently having. In agony he cried for Jimin's name, tossing and turning like having a nightmare.

Sarah worries and a bit of anger thinking that it was all that creatures doing. Making her lord in pain and so she couldn't take it any longer. She got up and walk out of the room so she can confront that boy and making him pay for doing this to her lord. "Doc, please watch over him. I have some business I need to attend." The doctor nodded his head as he watch Sarah leave the room.

Meanwhile, Jin went all over the place to find Jimin but couldn't find him. It wasn't long until he spotted Sarah leaving Jungkook's room rather in a hurry. Just when he was about to follow, he felt a hand on his shoulders and quickly turn, only to see it was Namjoon. "Yah!" Whispering. "You scared me."

"Sorry. So have you found Jimin yet?" Namjoon asked.

"No, but I suspect that she took him somewhere maybe?"

"Then We should hurry and follow her."

"Yes. We should alert the others too."

Sarah pov

After hearing what the doctor said I had enough. I walk over to the south parts of my resident area and confront the boy, Jimin. How dare he hurt my Lord, I went to my room and grab my sword and went straight to the dungeon area.

"You!" I shouted, but once I look at the boy Jimin I sense something off about him and I sure hate to be right about it. "What did you do to my Lord Jungkook, you beast!"

Very quietly I hear a small chuckled, "your lord? I don't know what lord your talking about. There is no lord, but only one. MY master."

"Your master? And who's that?" I said to him.

"Hmmm... I don't know" tilting his head sideways and the other way as if looking for something. "but I have mines.Hurt.Betrayed.Anger.Lost.Pain. Don't remember, where is my master? Release me." Jimin said. "Where is he? What did you do to him. Help me. master! Where are you?!" Jimin cried and all of a sudden, Jimin starts to struggle to be free.

"It's no use, you beast. I have enchanted the chain. The more you struggle more it will tighten." I said to him which it felt like I had already said this again but this time Jimin looks different. He continued to fight the chains and I was getting worried, cause now I hear the wall starting to crack as Jimin trying to break free. Getting my weapon up and my guards stayed on guard as we watch Jimin breaking my spell that I had place on.

Not too long Jimin broke the chain as I watch it fall down and I start to see something circling around him and right off the back it gave me the chill. "Where is he?" He says and with a wave of a hand he broke the cells door and with a strong wind pushes me back as he walk out of the cell and into the night.

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