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Jungkook pov

I woke up from my nap panting and sweating all over my face, until I look down to see that my hard cock throbbing in pain begging to be released. Looking around to make sure there is no one, I moving my fabric aside and use my hands to move up and down from my shaft as my breathing starts hitch when I move faster to get some tight friction and letting out a loud moan. I then felt getting tight at my lower and I moan loudly, releasing my cum all over my hands. Making my clothes dirty from my cum.

Relaxing and catching my breath, I have not had a wet dream before, but it felt so real at the same time. I look up and I see that the moon sudden turn somewhat blue but not really there. Climbing down from the tree I walk to a nearby waterfall in the woods and clean myself after a hot wet dream that I have.

Soon I was done cleaning myself, I got out of the water and with a snap of my finger and I quickly dry myself before climb back on the tree while my mind being to wonder who that creature is. So beautiful with silver hair, yet I see a hint of the natural color of black; like he is hiding his appearance but those eyes are blue like water. Beautiful milky white body that one could describe it as a pure being. His body so slinded that you could mistaken him as feminine. Small and adorable too, so innocent like that filthy creature are not allowed to touch him, yet in my dreams I have.

So fragile like, by looking at him and that one wrong move he can be easily broken. Which by the way is the sight you don't want to see. His voice is so addicting that I want more of it and that only his voice can satisfy my needs and nobody else can, not even Sarah.

Sighing to myself one more time, as I drifted off the sleep once again, until in a far distance I start hearing the sound of flesh cutting and not long people starts to scream in the red district part of the city.

Jimin pov

I jump right up from my bed to the sound of people screaming, I quickly move my bed sheet aside, but to see myself all wet with cum all over my legs. Catching my sudden quick breath, clutch my heart over my chest and that it felt so real that I can still remember the stranger's touch over my body. The scream from outside continued to grow more, as I tried to keep my thoughts together. Fixing my outfit, I open the door to see what is going on. Girls running all over the place as I see men with full samurai outfit with their swords kill the ladies here in the red house.

Flashback of my past came running past my mind as I froze at my tracks. "Jimin! Run!" Shouted my grandmother who is trying to run towards me, but cause of her old age soldiers caught up to her.

"Grams!" I shouted, she turn around and see the soldiers putting their swords up for the kill. Without thinking I reach my hand for her thinking I'll be able to reach for her and with unseen eyes a huge wind blow and push the soldiers far back to the ground. Quickly I grab hold of her and hurry out to escape the place.

"Child have you found mother? You must find her too, she's carrying a child and she cant hold on." Grams said to me.

"But what about you?"

"Dont worry about me. Now hurry. She's the only family you have."


"No more question. Just hurry. I'll do what I can here, now go!"

Soldiers hurry and follow us, but Grams using her magic that I didn't know she had to fight them off. Using her hands a sinister green came circling around her and with a flinch of her wrist she pointed at them they scream in agony of the illusion spell. Closing my eyes, I hurry to find my cousins up the stairs and there I hears swords clashing. Peeking out I see that my cousin Mae is fight with one of the samurai, but he looks kinda familiar about him something from my past.

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