Other Half

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*present time*

Jimin pov

I woke from a big throbbing on my head, and just when I was going to rub my head to see that I couldn't; looking up I see that my hands are chain up above my head. Moving my hand to see if I can set free but couldn't, instead it just tighten its grip on my wrist. Strange. "It's no use in struggling, you beast. I place an enchantment on it so the more you struggle to be free the more it tightens its grip."

I look down to see who and already I know who it is. "You. What have I ever done to you? Let me go!" I said to her.

She walk up close where the moonlight shines and the bars between us kept us separated. "It's your existence that bothered me. I was fine until you came already along. Until I find who you are, I'll will destroy you." And walks away, leaving me alone in a cold.

Stuck in the dungeon not knowing how long I'll be in here this time. Scared of what's to come next only if I just followed Jungkook anyways, I feel so much protected by him. I want to be near him protect me, suddenly I hear something, "Jiiimmmin???" In a small quiet whispers that is creepy that sends chills down my spine. "Jiiimmmin...." it whisper again and chills got even more chilling.

"Who's there?" I said, but nothing appears. Trying to set free but it is no use since the grip of the chain just gets tighten even more. "Jungkook help... anyone, Please." I cried but there is no one to help this time. Just only myself, alone in the dungeon.

Jungkook pov
*meanwhile back in Jungkook's memories.*

After Jimin incident, whatever it is never came back. Very slowly Jimin starting to act differently and I noticed something about him even my family noticed it too. "Jungkook is Jimin alright?" They asked me while I reading through documents while he is resting his head on my lap sleeping.

"I think so... lately he's just in a daze and sleeping mostly." I said.

"Jungkook! Hey man! what's up? How are things doing lately since I last saw you?"

"Joseph? What are you doing here?" Which is a surprise to see.

"Oh my dad wanted to drop off something here and I said that I wanted to tag along too. So I can meet Jimin. So how's my babe~?"

That took me off guard. "Your babe? I don't think so. Joseph. Did you even confess to him?" I said to him, while my family look at Joseph.

"Well no, but I am planning on it today. But it looks like he's sleeping on your lap." Saying with a bit of jealousy in his tone.

"He's just tired that's all. Lately he is just sleeping."

"Jungkook, why don't you take Jimin to the room so he can rest properly." My mother said to me as she look at Jimin who sleeping soundly.


"I'll take Jimin, Lady Jeon." Joseph bud in, pushing his sleeves up, like he ready to pick him up.

My mother see his eagerness and my father saw this too. "No. Joseph. I think it's best for Jungkook to take Jimin. Every little thing Jimin will notice it, so it's best for Jungkook." My mother told him and gave me signal to take him away.

"Why should he do it? I can the best candidate for him." This took my parents in surprise, which they already know what he is referring to. Jimin's hand.

"Joseph Tao. Please understand this. You barely visit the Jeon resident and I'm sure your busy with running your own territory now, which I am assuming that your father is teaching you to run his land." Said my father who look at Joseph in the eyes.

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