Moon Goddess*

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Jimin pov

The night is almost upon us and Jungkook has not returned from his meeting yet. "How are you feeling?" Taehyung says as he was about to helped me up.


"Yes. Honestly."

"Very very very much sore to the core." And right off the back he laugh. "Stop that! It's not funny."

"Yeah it is."

"No it's not. Maybe I should ask Jungkook to accompany me instead."

"Well we need to hurry if you want to go to the temple. Beside I think Jungkook wants to come despite you saying no, he'll come anyways."

"That is what I'm counting on."

Soon Taehyung help me up, Jungkook came in. "Jungkook! What are you doing here? Are you done with your meetings?"

"Kinda... but I want to get away, but your right. Something is up and I can't find out what, maybe you should accompany me on these meetings. "

"I see. Well maybe you can come with me to the temple. It's always good to go there to clear some mind out of it." I said to him and I can tell that he's troubled.

"Lord Jeon!" We both look at the direction of who is asking for my Jungkook. We waited and it looks like one of Jungkook's officials Adam is the name. "Lord Jeon! We are not done."

"Yes, we are."

"No, please spend some time with Lady Miku and get to know her maybe you'll have a change of heart."


"My lord, please! Just take her with you to the temple maybe it will help you clear your mind once your there."

Jungkook look at me and I look at him, "it's fine, I am also curious to see who she is anyways." I said to him, looking at Adam and gave him an okay, but those eyes send chills that I want to hide behind Jungkook. They remind me of someone, Joseph Tao.

"Great." He says.

They gave her a sign and she came forth and I must say she is beautiful like Jungkook says, but I don't trust her right off the back. "We must get going. Time we get there the moon will be out." I said to them.

"The moon?" Lady Miku says to us.

"Yes." Jungkook help me up on the horse as I flinch in pain still. Honestly I should have waited to move, but this matter is kinda urgent. Jungkook came on and ride with me while everyone has their own and so we head out north to the temple.


We were almost there and I kept looking behind me and already I see that Tae and Jin are talking to Lady Miku hopefully get some information from her. "Jimin." Jungkook whispers in my ear.

"What?" Whispering back.

"What are you thinking about? You keep looking behind us."

"Something about her... I don't like and I can't pinpoint it. It's frustrating."

"Yeah? Want me to ease your worries?" Jungkook says as I feel his hands moving down.

"Jungkook." Whispering a little loudly.

"Oh. Afraid to get caught? " As he starts to nibbling on my earlobe.

"Jungkook... please calm down a bit. I'm still hurting."


"Fine. But please wait a little longer, we are here." I whisper to him as we finally reach the temple.

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