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Hoseok sighs treating yet another patient, he treats many patients in a day, but never gets tired."There you go Stuart..Now please take you're meals daily or you won't get better"He says smiling at the patient who swoons at him.He's the prettiest and most kindest doctor in the whole hospital.

"Mr.Jung..I have a new job for you"Someone says making him turn around and see it's a doctor."Ah of course..I'll join you right away"He says and smiles once more at his patient who nods not knowing what's happening."So, what job do you have for me?"He asks checking his clipboard for some other patients.

"Mr.Jung..we just caught two patients and the seem to be very dangerous, so as you're our most trusted doctor, I want you to treat them"The other doctor says making Hoseok sigh and nod."I'll do it right now..take me to them"Hoseok says making the other one smile and take his arm and drags him to..the C section.

"Why the C section?"Hoseok asks getting a frightened, the C section means the most dangerous ones in the building."Because there dangerous"He answers and they enter a huge area with two cages in the center on it with security all over them."Why so much security?"Hoseok whispers and gets a groan from his companion."They're dangerous Hoseok"He answers making Hoseok nod.

"Now as you can see we have two of the most dangerous patients of our ward"The doctor explains and the one of them looks up with a deathly glare and smiles creepily while giggling.His giggles are heard through the whole room making Hoseok shiver a little."Good luck"The other one says leaving Hoseok by himself.

Hoseok walks towards the cage with highly strong metal, he looks at the guard."What's his name?"Hoseok asks opening clipboard and pen to write the details about the patient."I don't know, you have to get in and ask him himself"The guard says opening the cage door making Hsoek gulp and nod while getting inside.

The patient looks up from the floor to the the doctor, he smirks when he sees the fear evident on his face."Hello doctor"His soft velvety voice says making him smile awkwardly at him."Alright, s-so let's set off simple...what you're name?"Hoseok asks noticing that his legs and arms are chained.

"You wanna know my name doc?"The patient says getting up and smirks when Hoseok backs away  a little frightened."Y-Yeah"Hoseok stutters when the patient leans down but thankfully he's chained.

"Its Park Jimin, princess...


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