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Hoseok trembled when the patient chuckles into his ear."You're something else doc"Jimin says pulling away from him and sits back down on his seat."S-So..Uh..J-Jimin I'm you're new doctor"He says putting his own and clipboard down and looks at the boy smirking at him."Y'know doc...all these patients out here..just wanna ruin you're innocence"Jimin says making him snap his head up.

"Huh?"He exclaims looking at Jimin who smirks."Anyways, I'm here to heal yo-"He was cut off by Jimin laughing loudly and wipes his fake tears."That's what they all say princess, but in the end they end up running away"He says chuckling as Hoseok blushes and clears his throat while looking at Jimin's file.

"This man almost killed 300 people"Hoseok reads out making his eyes widen and look at Jimin who's looking at him with a blank expression."Um..it says where..t-that you killed you're own family"He blurts out making Jimin stand up and corner him, since the cage is a little small, he's easily cornered.

"You wanna know how I killed them?"He asks in a sickeningly sweet voice making Hoseok gulp and grab his clipboard tightly."I stabbed them again..and again till no blood was left...I really loved the screams they let out..begging for their pathetic lives"He chuckles bring a chained hand to touch Hoseok's cheek making him back away till he hits the cage.

"You look exactly like my first love, you wanna know how she died?"He asks his voice rough and Hoseok's breath hitches when Jimin's ice cold hand touches his lips, what's the chin for then?."I killed her"He says in a whisper making Hoseok gasp and fall out the cage when one of the guard opens the doors.

"Come back soon doc"Jimin smirks sitting back down making Hoseok gulp scared."Mr.Jung you alright?"A guard says picking him up and hears the cage rattle."Dont.touch.him"Jimin says now an angry look on his face."Lets go Mr.Jung"The guard says putting an arm around his waist making Jimin more aggressive.

"DON'T TOUCH HIM!"He screams making the whole cage shake as the guard let's go of Hoseok."Lets go to the next patient after a while..."Hoseok says trying to register what just happened."Alright, I'll ready his cage and all"The guard says and Hosoek sighs looking at the smiling Jimin, creep.

"Why did I even agree to do this?"He mumbles and walk to the next cage but stops hearing what Jimin just said.

"You're his prey..Kim Taehyung's prey...and My little darling...


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