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Hoseok runs and runs till his feet give and he surprisingly loses the large wolf, thankfully."Shit"He mumbles and pants his hand on a tree and he begins to quietly walk around the dark green forest and sighs.

"How the fuck do I get out of here?"Hoseok mumbles and internally smiles upon seeing an old man walking around with another person."E-Excuse me!"He says making the both look at him and frown.

"Oh my god"The lady says coming towards him making him smile widely, finally."Are you lost, kid?"The man asks making him nod and swallow thickly."Well, you're in luck..we're tourists"The woman smiles and Hoseok nods slowly and the man starts walking.

"Where are we going?"Hoseok asks looking at the woman."Well son, we're going to the city"The man says and he sighs in relief and follows the old couple..


Jimin and Taehyung arrive at the abandoned building and speed towards the room in which they put Hoseok."Shit shit"Jimin curses and frowns seeing the door open and gets inside the room."He escaped, shit!"Jimin curses and his fangs care out in anger.

Taehyung curses at himself and looks around the room."We can't even scent him, he changed hie clothes"Taehyung says looking at the small pile of clothes on the floor."And what about his blood?"Jimin asks and Taehyung shakes his head.

"I can only smell it when its near"He says making Jimin punch the wall in frustration and anger."How the fuck do we get him now!?"Jimin growls and Taehyung frowns looking at Jimin.

"Fuck"Jimin curses and punches the wall making a hole in it."That's it.."Taehyung growls and his eyes glows red."He can't be far away from us"Jimin says and gets out of the room and jumps down the railing landing on the ground.

"I'm gonna remind him not to lie again...


Namjoon screams as Jin grabs his neck and pushes him down on the cage floor."Shh, thus will sting a little"Jin whipers and injects something in his neck and lets him go chuckling.

Namjoon frowns feeling pain in his neck and feels his body weaken and his own body falls on Jin's arms."Sleep tight pretty"Jin whispers in his ear making hin weakly push at his chest and groans in pain.

Namjoon's vision blurries and he falls limp to the floor..

Im very sorry for the bad chapter 😭

I promise the next one will be better..

Thanks for reading

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