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Hoseok coughs feeling shy when Suho checks his blood pressure and everything, he on purpose touches Hoseok's neck or chin to make the pretty boy blush."You're pretty much okay..except that you're a little injured from the lower stomach but that's gonna heal in a few days"Suho smiles at him and he nods swallowing thickly.

"Thanks"Hoseok smiles and sits up to look at h us reports."Hey..uh..I was wondering i-if you wanna hang out?"Suho stutters shyly and scratches the back of his head making Hoseok smile and look at Suho while chuckling."Sure..when?"Hoseok asks getting up and fixes his shirt.

"Uh..toady a-at eight..I'll pick you up"Suho says smiling at him and piles his files up."You have my number..I'll message you the address"Hoseok smiles and Suho nods grinning widely as Hoseok exits the room.Hoseok sighs exiting the room and looks at his phone, which he got from his pocket.

"Its seven already "Hoseok mumbles and gets to his car to drive himself home...

After getting ready, and a little healed, he's wearing a blue sweater with black pants and a black choker.Hoseok grab his phone and plops on the sofa waiting for Suho to pick him up.He sighs scrolling through his phone randomly.

"Should I get partner?"Hoseok mumbles thinking about it deeply, jot remembering the incident few moments ago.He snaps out of his thoughts when the door bell rings making him smile."Coming!"He calls and slips his shoes on, he walks towards the door and breathes in before opening the door.

"He-Ah!"Hoseok screams once he notices the guy is not Suho."Forgot about us so soon doll?"The figure says as it removes the mask from his face making Hoseok's blood run cold as he stares at his nightmare."D-DON'T TOUCH ME!"Hoseok gasps backing away from the two smirking.

"Aww doll..were you waiting for you're boyfriend?"Taehyung asks closing the front door as Hoseok falls down with horror on his face."Too bad..he's dead"Jimin says his voice deadly low as Hoseok throws things at them but they just sigh."Come one doll..don't be like that"Jimin cooes and pins the poor boy to the floor making him scream.

"L-Let go!"Hoseok whimpers when Jimin smirks looking at him with crimson eyes."You're all prettied up darling, just for that pathetic human"Taehyung sneers and gets a clothe out as Jimin covers his eyes with his hand."You belong to us doll"Jimun whispers licking his earlobe making him trash around feeling a clothe on his nose and mouth.

"Good night baby....


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