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Hoseok gulps hearing the knock on the door, he slowly gets up from the couch and grabs a vase in case it's a thief.The knock is heard again and Hoseok just walks straight to the door and stops for just a moments before taking a deep breath and open the door."Hello there"Someone says and he opens his eyes to see a police guard standing there with a wide smile on his face.

"Oh..Hello"Hoseok says embarrassed by holding a vase and sets it down before speaking up."So, how can I help you?"Hoseok asks smiling at him and the guard clears his throat before answering."Well, you may have heard the news about two patients escaping the asylum, so I'm just warning people to lock their doors and everything"The police officer says and Hosoel nods and thanks him by shutting the door and sighs in relief.

"Thank God"Hoseok sighs and yawns, it's getting pretty late so he should sleep since he has work tomorrow.He turn the light off and rubs upstairs to his room to sleep.

The next morning Hoseok yawns waking up and looks at the clock.It's only 7:56 his work begins at 9:00.He slowly gets up from the bed and walk to the bathroom.He notices something on the bathroom mirror.His eyes widen at the next moment when there was a 'Mine' written with literal blood on the mirror.

He backs away and covers his mouth while tears fall slowly, someone was in his house last night.He panics and quickly puts some clothes on and fixes his hair while he  walks downstairs to the front door."I better call them"He murmurs and pulls his phone out and call the hospital where he works.

"Hello!?..Mr.Jung we need you right now!"The voice says and his eyes widen."Why..what happened!?"He asks getting his keys and wallet."Two patients just it out of hand, we seriously need a experienced doctor!"The man on the other line says and he hangs up before walking to his car and gets in quickly...

"Oh thank go you're here"A doctor says and drags him  him to...the C section."Some patients just got out of hand, and apparently they're yours"The doctor says and then he's inside the C section where a lot of guards are trying to handle two patients."Stop!"He says when a guard was about to shoot Jimin.

One guard goes flying away from the cage making Hoseok gasp and fall back on the floor."Don't touch my Hoseok"Taehyung growls and in a nd instant his chains are snapped open making Hosoek panic and look at the dead guards."Come on Hos-"A guard was about to grab him but his head gets chipped off and fall on Hoseok's leg making him shriek and back away.

"See princess, nobody is allowed go touch you"Jimin giggles and grabs the cage making it rattle and Hoseok backs away."Remember darling, if someone touches you..that will be his end"Jimin grows and more guard enter their room and grab Hoseok's hand making Taehyung growl and smirk.

"He's dead"Taehyung mouths as Hsoke gets carried away from them."Are you okay!?"Namjoon asks getting to his side making Hosoek nod and grab his hair."It's all my fault"He mumbles and his birthing quickened looking at the room they were in minutes ago.

Hoseok sighs and shakes his head..He really needs a coffee....


Jimin stares at the guard front of him."Hey stupid"He pls and the guard turns around with a scoff making him chuckle."Where's Hoseok?"He asks smiling at the guard making him roll his eyes."Oh the pretty boy won't be taking care of you now"The guard says and Jimin growls and grabs the guard's neck.

"If he doesn't take care of me...I'll kill every single one of you"Hr threatens and let's go of the poor man who fall y
to the ground."Do something or I'll snap you're neck off..."Jimin yawns and the guard panicked  before leaving the room.

Jimin smirks and stares at the floor."You can't escape us princess...

{Its kinda lame}

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