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All the doctors gather at the staff room to take their files, they're break is over so back to work."Now, where was I?"Hoseok murmurs sitting down to look at some files and stares at Jimin's file."He killed his own mother?"Hoseok mumbles flipping the pages and one thing catches his eye.

"He was a normal teen boy until...his brother was killed in front of him"He mumbles and sighs, Jimin sure had a rough past.He looks at the clock, he has to visit the patients again at 3:00."It's 2:30"He yawns and opens Taehyung's file and flips the pages, until he backs way grabbing his head.

"What are these two?..are they even human?"Hoseok whimpers looking at the number of murders they did.He frowns looking at each detail and closes them and rubs his eyes."I really need some coffee"He says getting up and walks to the cafe, he hums a song while filling his cup with coffee.He walks back to the cafe and notices the time, it's not like someone is gonna eat him if he goes earlier.

He piles up his files and grabs his clipboard, while walking towards the C section he notices several patients being tested badly, being picked up and thrown like a rag doll."Excuse me?"He asks the guard who stops him from going inside the section."What's you're name pretty boy"The guard asks his breath hitting Hoseok's face making him scoff and enter the room by himself."Creep"He murmurs and opens the door where the cages are present.

He sighs when the door opens revealing two cages and two people sitting there."Hi doc!"Jimin says all giggly and happy making Hoseok shudder in fear."H-Hi"He says opening the cage door with a hand scan and enters the cage."So, how you been so far?"He asks shutting the door of the cage making Jimin let out a little laugh.

"I'll talk to you..but tell these guards to go away"He smirks making Hoseok gulp."A-And why is that?"He asks taking some pills out and places them on the table."I don't want them to touch my things"He whispers making Taehyung on the other cage let out a little giggle and Jimin smiles slumping back.

"I won't bite..I promise dollie"He winks and Hoseok sighs nodding, he grabs a guard's back making Jimin growl and he takes it off getting the guys attention.He whispers them to take their leave from this room."But doctor..its too dangerous for you to be alone!"The guard says concerned about the young doctor who smiles.

"No if anything happens I'll scream"He says and the guard nods signalling his men to get out of the room and one by one they're out."Such an innocent little lamb"He hears Jimin cooe and the next thing he knows is that Jimin is in front of him."You know doc...I can break this chains in a snap"He says smiling at Hoseok who gulps and tries to open the cage door but fails when Jimin laughs loudly.

"So cute dollie"He says sitting back down, not attacking like Hoseok thought he would."So..You were about to talk to me"Jimin says making Hosoek nod  and take a red pill with shaky hands."I-I want to to take these pills"He says and tries to hand Jimin the pills but Jimin grabs his wrist and pulls him towards his lap making him fall on it.

"J-Jimin!"He says nervously and tries to get up, he's never been so close with a patient before."My hands are chained doll..why don't you feed me the pills?"He asks chuckling when Hoseok shifts on his lap turning to get away."I won't let go until you feed me"He grins making his fangs come out and Hoseok shrieks trying to get away but Jimin's grip tightens.

Hoseok nervously with a shaky hand brings the red pill to Jimin's mouth and finally touches his lips making him gasp and Jimin's mouth opens to take the pill in.Hoseok gulps when Jimin takes the pill inside with his finger."Y-You can let go now"He stutters feeling Jimin suck on his fingers making him gasp and pull fingers away."Taste so sweet dollie"He licks his lips and drinks a cup of water Hoseok gave him but frowns suddenly.

"Dollie..did someone touch you!?"He asks tightening his grip on Hoseok even more making him panic and Jimin grabs Hoseok's chin with a strong and chained hand."Answer me doll"He whispers his voice low and dangerous making Hoseok panic even more."N-No"He squeaks out and Jimin chuckles tracing his lips.

"I don't like lies doll"He says smiling creepily at Hoseok making him push at his chest."Let go!"He yells and Jimin chuckles grabbing his chin tighter."No one touches you expect us doll..I'll soon find out who's that bitch who dared to touch my things..and boom.. he'll be dead"He says and let's go of Hoseok making him fall on the ground.

"Bye, bye doll"Jimin says waving at him as he scrambles out of the cage...Taehyung is left..


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