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Hoseok hiccups and wraps his arms around Jimin's broad shoulders as Jimin tries to feed him the food Taehyung brought."Eat up, doll"Jimin cooed and kisses Hoseok's red cheek but Hoseok just hiccups not over the fact he's hurt.

"Hoseok honey eat up, you're getting so thin"Jimin says and Hoseok finally takes a bite and chews the hot thing in his mouth.Taehyung left a while ago to god knows where leaving Jimin with Hoseok."So cute, doll"Jimin chuckles and brings another spoon to his mouth making him take the spoon and eat the food.

"There you go babe"Jimin says and wipes Hoseok's mouth after he's full and can't eat more."Such a good doll"Jimin says picking him up and cradles him close to his chest as he whispers sweet things in his ear."You won't run away again right, dollie?"Jimin asks as he rocks them back and forth softly.

Hoseok whimpers cutely and nods, he knows he's lying and sighs as he feels his eyelids become droopy and finally he's asleep..


Namjoon gasps when he's slammed to the cold cage roughly and feels lips on his own thick ones making his eyes widen in shock."Get off me!"He screams as the guards try to open the cage but fail as the light keep twitching violently and Namjoon watches in horror as Jin bares his fangs out.

"Oh god"He whimpers and gets out of Jin's grip and falls to the ground still in shock as his vision is not steady because of the lights twitching every time he stumbles."Oh my sweet little Joon, you don't know what's ahead of you"Jin growls louder and the guards scream and Namjoon looks at thrm in horror.

"Stop!"Namjoon yells at Jin who's smirking at the dying guards grabbing they're throats as they fall to the ground."My sweet little treat, I'll kill every singke thing which comes in my way to get you"Jin smirks and grabs his waist making him gasp when he feels a lick on his neck.

"You're mine...


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