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Hi, I know its weird that I'm updating on this books, but I decided to finish this book as the title 'discontinued' bothers me, so yes im back on this book.

Im so sorry, for the mess ╥﹏╥


The male trembles as the woman's cold hands chain his hands to the wall, the whole scene looked like they were about to perform exorcism, which terrified that boy even more, as basically dark figures loomed ifront of him.

"Witches!"The woman calls out with a wide smirk as she yanks Hoseok's hair back, making his dolled up face clear for the crowd at front of him, making him gulp thickly.

"...and wizards, long ago, your leader died.."

She stalks forward leaving the male behind, struggling to get out of cool chains with ragged breathing.

"...he was slaughtered to death, mercilessly killed by villagers"

The crowd growls at he mention of them, making Hoseok frown stopping his struggles as he focuses on the woman.

"But now, we finally have a chance to get him back, to get our beloved leader and my husband, my love back to us.."

She begins to open a small, brown box from a slave's hand, taking her ahnd out to reveal...a knife.

"..with this boy's blood, and our powerful spells, we can return his soul back into this boy's body, and we waited long enough, we deserve this, do we not?"

The crowd roars loudly, throwing things at the chained male.

She sighs mockingly before her eyes shine towards the male, a smirk spreads on her face.

"But this may have few challenges, this pup has some pretty saviours of his own, hmm?"

Oh no.

"But not to worry my fellows, I dealt with the two of them, only some mutts are left I captured one, our most trusted guardians will keep guard of the temple, as we end this ceremony, lets begin, shall we?"

With that, the woman stalks towards the male, taking his chin in her hands, before nearing the knife to his throat


The violent male was banging his body against the metal cage, as few guards tazed him, making making grunt, but he still kept himself up.

"H-Hoseok"He grunts, his test gritted but he frowns when few guards get knocked out on the floor, his figure collapsing on the floor.

"You couldn't beat few humans off, Taehyung?"

He laughs at the familiar voice as the cage door opens, revealing a figure.

"Took you long enough"He chuckles as the other male picks him up, a dull expression on his calm face.

"You knew i was coming?"Hr asks with a raised brow, guiding the male out the ward.

"Not quite, hyung"Taehyung grins making Jin roll his eyes throwing him on the ground, a faint smile on his lips.

"Where's Jimin?"Taehyung asks with a frown as he looks around confused, making the other sigh, unlocking his cuffs throwing the away, he cpuld have broken them, but decide not to.

"He raced away as soon as I freed him, he went somewhere around that witch's temple"Jin answers as Taehyung pulls on a angered expression on his face.

"That bastard, i thought we were going together!"


The pale male groan blinking with a frown, as he focuses on his vision noticing how dark it was in the room.

  His mond clicks, ad he begins to remember all that happened.

"Jungkook, keep watch on Hoseok, I sense danger nearby, don't you dare take your eyes off him"

"Alright hyung"

He stalks away in his wolf form, his fur wooshing with the wind as he runs forward with a snarl when he spits few figures in dark cloaks .

"Ah, if it isn't the mutt"The tallest snarls with a raised voice, making Yoongi growl, ready to lunge froward and rip their heads off.

"You will not touch him!"

He signals them from his mind, his teeth in a snarl still, making the witches smile widely.

"But we already have, mutt"

What, Jungkook!

He was too busy in thinking when a spell hits him, making him groan falling to the mud with a loud thud, as the spell knocks him unconscious.

"Hoseok, Jungkook..ack!"He growls when a chain was pulling his neck back from sitting up, the cold metal against his skin, making him grunt struggling to free himself.

He closes his eyes, finding the connection between him and Jungkook, calling out the other's name loudly.

"C'mon answer me!"




Had something happened to the younger male, he needed to get out here to protect Hoseok as well ad Jungkook.


As all that happens, an awkward Namjoon sits on a literal tree branch, waiting for Jin to get him, ad he looks around with an awkward face.

Did that bastard Jin just forget him here!?


Again, I very sorry .

Hope u like this chapter.

Thank you for reading!

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