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Hoseok sighs getting inside his house after a long time, he thankfully met the police who took him home after he thanked the old couple ."Oh god"Hoseok mumbkes looking at the piercing marks on his neck and collarbone.He sighs opening the closet and takes some clothes out to bath.


Hoseok relaxes as he sits on the couch, relaxing at the soft surface if the sofa.He takes the cup of coffee he had in his hands and sips a few times. He has alot of things to do, get his job back and buy a new phone..his family us dead...and n-no one is with him.

"I'm sorry"He sniffles looking at his hands and buried his face into them, crying his eyew out because I'd the aching pain in his chest."They're gone"He mumbles to himself and looks at the banadages on his wrists.

He rips the bandage open roughly qbd looks at the three cuts on his wrists."I hate you"He mumbles and tears fall down his cheeks like a river when he remembers he has no one in this world..


Jimin knew that Hoseok was in the city, but he doesn't know where his baby went."Hmm, how about the asylum?"Taehyung asks sitting into I'd that edge of a rooftop."Nope"Jimin answers looking down at the city.

"How about his house?"Taehyung asks frowning and Jimin sighs shaking his head."Can he be there?"Jimin asks making Taehyung shrug while Jimin groans frustrated with everything.

"We should probably look at his home"Jimin says getting up and jumps down the building with Taehyung joining him..

After a while of speed walking, they both arrive at the house."He's there!"Taehyung yells but Jimin stops him by putting a hand on his shoulder. "Let's just give him some time...just watch him"Jimin says looking at the crying Hoseok through the window and smirks.

"We'll teach our little doll a lesson soon"Jimin smirks and his eyes go crimson again, they will watch their little darling for some days..and if he misbehaves..then he'll know the problems he'll have to face..

I'm very sorry since its short

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