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Taehyung growls as the guards throw him into the cage with a laugh

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Taehyung growls as the guards throw him into the cage with a laugh."Shut it, you animal!"And with that Taehyung lunges towards the guard but gets tazed by a tazer making him fall to the ground twitching a little.

Jimin on the other hand was about to cut the guard's head off but he was too busy thinking about Hoseok, the damn witch cursed them with some spell that makes them weak against somethings.

"Get in, Romeo"A guard laughs shoving him inside the large cage, double security, double coverage.

"Hoseok"He mumbles trying to get out of the cage with full power buy he gets tazed by a tazer again.

"Y-You need to l-let me go!"Jimin stutters out as the guard rolls his eyes at him."And let you kill millions, hell no!"He says turning his back against the cage.


Hoseok blinks as he watches a single candle light in the dark room he's currently in."Shit"He mumbles trying to open the binds but gasps when someone appears in front of him.

"Trying to escape, I see, little one"A woman's voice says and his chin then is lifted up."You're so beautiful, that's why I need you"She mumbles her thumb on Hoseok's lips.

"What?"Hoseok asks dumbfounded at the moment because of her."Oh, don't you get little one, I need you're beauty, and you're blood to make my mate alive again"She giggles lightning the room up and Hoseok squints a little.

"M-My blood?"He asks looking at her now, she was wearing an outfit like  most movie witches would wear."Yes, and you're body as well...basically you're whole body"She says and Hoseok gulps loudly.

"W-What happened to your mate?"Hoseok asks as she sits down on the floor."He died, some werewolf killed him"She seethed out in anger and Hoseok sighs.

"W-Was he a wizard?"Hoseok asks with a little fear as he watches the woman cry a little since a tear fell down her cheek.

"Yeah, one of the best"She answers with a sad a smile and looks at Hoseok."But now that I have you, I can bring him back"She smirks and pats Hoseok's cheek before getting up .


Namjin will come soon ❤

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