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I pushed the barn door open while i held the sandwich in my hands and a bottle of water in my other. 

Xui? i called out in a whisper.

He peaked his head out from his usual hiding spot.

I smiled as i spotted him. He smiled back shyly.

"I brought you food". i told him handing him the plate

he took it and began eating quietly while i inspected his form. He seemed paler and significantly skinnier than when i met him. I worried for a minute if he was getting sick or malnourished. i couldn't do much for him as i was terrified to be discovered. I didn't know what they would do to him.

"How are you" i asked as i sat close to him. 

He had made a bed of the old tattered blankets i had brought him.The shirt i gave him hung shaggily on his body and was by now reduced to practically rags. I worried constantly about him getting too cold out here.

I didn't know how his body handled extreme temperatures and he couldn't even tell me, Our communication was still a bit strained. unfortunately there wasn't much I could do my father didn't have many good clothes I could share with him, nobody did these days.

"Ok" he answered  with a mouth full of sandwich. One of the few words he knew.

I met Xui a few days after they came. I found him in the alley near the market searching for food. 

At first glance he looked like a normal teenage boy. But when i neared him i immediately knew he was one of them.

He looked as old as me and could almost pass for human except his skin was a little too pink to be human. His hair was a vivid purple had never seen before. His eyes were a deep inky black and he had no pupil.

Fear and apprehension hung in both our eyes as we stared at one another. I was just 14 when we met i didn't know how old he was,still don't but i did know he couldn't have been much older than me. He seemed tired and sad. We were warned by our government to report it if we encountered or saw one of them. Something in his eyes however, gripped my heart and suddenly all i wanted to do was help him.

I manged to convince him with my smiles and skillful hand gestures to come with me or maybe it was just my food i offered that did it.

i brought him to my barn we had, that had been abandoned since they came.

Our farm had been large and prosperous before the invasion. That changed when they arrived like most things. Our society collapsed. Now there are those we call the infected. They have contracted a deadly plague that most believe they brought.

 Those that are infected with the plague are taken. entire towns and cities have been evacuated due to the plague. Our town still has a decent population but that doesn't really matter. Food now is scare like most things and is rationed out only every month.

 There were no more school, or electricity unless your had solar power. no running water either,lucky for us our farm had a well. We still had cars but gas like everything was pretty hard to get. Some had solar cars though, they were highly coveted for obvious reasons.

when i brought Xui here i knew i couldn't give him much to eat not only because we didn't have much but i was nervous my mother would notice the missing portions. Luckily she didn't and Xui has been with me since.

Its been six months i think. I can't be sure without a calendar or clock. Everything now is gone and surviving is all that matters. Survive or die.

I've taught Xui as many words as i could but he still struggles to pronounce them. He says my name very well though, surprisingly.

"Tan ou" Xui trues to say making me smile at his poor language skills

"Your welcome Xui". he gazes at me affectionately. I wonder sometimes if he's lonely, missing his family.

He gestured to me once that he doesn't know where they are. His ship crashed and he fled. That's all i could get from him. 

We played silly childhood games and i read to him many of my old books that i managed to save. although he didn't understand most of my words he still listened attentively. we ate together almost ever meal,everyday. he quickly became my best friend. My only friend i every had. before they came i was shy and kind of nerdy. Kids were nice to me but just not interested in being friends.

Xui filled that void until they came for him one day. as we layed on his makeshift bed while i read.

The barn doors were thrown open and inside poured his people. They stood 7 feet tall with thick black horns. They looked menacing and terrifying. I yelped in shock as they grabbed Xui and started pulling him out the barn. I grabbed for him afraid they might hurt him. But all they did was point a dagger in my face and shout words i didn't understand. Xui looked equally frightened but for me not himself. 

he seemed to know them because he shouted back at them in the same strange language. They looked at me sneered and growled in my face as i cowered with tears in my eyes. they dragged Xui out while i stood there staring after them long after they left. My face was flooded in sadness at he lost of my only friend and what would become of him. 

I wondered if he would be safe, if he would be fed well, if id ever see him again and mostly i wondered if he'd remember me like i'd always remember him......................................

So a new story i been intrigued to write. Tell me what you think so far

This was a little  backstory on how they met.

Xui (ZEE) do you think it was his family who found him?

Do you think Leena should have turned him in




Thanks for reading my new story! 

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