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This chapter is dedicated to love_red1997 and @LINKINPARKfreak44 they have been faithful readers and followers of this story and their support is greatly appreciated



I wake groggy and disoriented. My head pounds with a steady ache and bile rises from my throat as i fight to repeadlty shove it down

"Leena" i croak.

 My throat feels as if i swallowed nails. I can remember nothing other than the moment before.....

"Leena!" i shout louder as i snap awake disorientation forgotten

Surveying my surroundings, i panic as i recognize the holding cell i had been locked in prior to my escape

Just then Light floods the dark and a familar figure steps inside

"Hello son"

I snarl loud enough to rattle the compound

My father only chuckles at my rage

"Son, calm now this is all only for your good" he soothes

I growl menacingly at him. 

he sighs wearily 

"We could not let you bond with the human girl and ruin all our plans son. I am sorry, truly. But  you belong with your own kind. Being around that.....human has corrupted you. he sneers 

Immediately I  tense at his words. Where was Leena?  please don't let her be here imprisoned with them. 

Renewed fury rises in me.  i pull at the chains restricting me. They strain against my anger. I sfeel one of them start to yield and the calm confidence my father was exuding begins to fade to slight unease

Good he should be worried.  if i break these chains i will kill him. father or no

He waves his hands and a legion of LoQuan guards rush inside and subdue me with a needle full of who knows. I  only hope it is merely meant to cease my ire and put me to sleep

When i awake It is with a hazy dizziness I cant seem to shake no matter what i do

A figure stands before me. I cannot make out who from the haze, but  it appears to be female 

"Xui" she purrs seductively

I don't respond. i do not recognize the person. I recognize nothing but the haze that encompasses me

She touches me, stoking my chest and arms then her hand suggestively gropes my shaft 

"You will soon me all mines Xui. I have had the treatment. Our scientists say it  is tested successful. Soon i will be with child and you my bonded"  she coos cheerily

Her words do not register. they sound like my ears have been distorted and my eyesight damaged

She strokes my shaft and i feel  it spring to life  unconsciously. Vaguely i register the pleasurable feeling but not much else. 

The female before me moans with satisfaction, but i can not understand from what

Sometime later I feel myself release and i groan with the feeling, yet i still cannot discern what is happening. My mind feels completely misplaced from my body.

Days upon days this occurs and i can only recall the steady prick of the needle that keeps me in a daze and the surge of my release from my body.

After long, i slowly come out of the drug induced haze. I once again survey my surroundings  and see the familiar cell and struggle once again, against the chains binding me.

 I snarl and roar my rage. 

I think of Leena where is she? What have they done to her? My heart drums with vengeance and all encompassing hatred

I pull against the solid chains, allowing them to dig deeply into my skin. Blood leaks through them, but i ignore it and continue  undeterred . Leena needs me was all my mind and body could think. it replayed in my brain on a loop. 

The door to my cell creaks open suddenly 

I don't wait to see who enters  i snarl threateningly


"We  will my mate.  Soon"

I tense. recognizing the female who strolls leisurely to me. 


I growl as she approaches and places her hand on my chest, as if she has the right


She giggles flirtatiously 

"Not yet but soon." 

I watch as her hand strokes her stomach

"We have successfully bred a youngling". she declares gleefully

I freeze. horror infusing my blood. No i would never.  not with this female. not with any other than Leena

"LIAR!!" i hiss

She smirks victoriously 

"No?. we bred a youngling. don't you remember the last few nights. I do. You were so voracious". she sighs wistfully

I let out a deafening snarl


but even as i say the words i am unsure if  they are true. now that i am of sound mind, i recognize the drug they pumped into me. Kozatul.

It is used mostly to help coax unstable patients into a more aggregable temperament and occasionally to soothe a trauma patient, but never on a normal healthy LoQuan. Especially never to abuse them against their will

My families depravity knows no bounds.

"Tomorrow we shall officially bond in a ceremony. now that I  am with child there will be no dispute as to who you belong"  she exclaims clapping in merriment

"Well i will see you tomorrow love, when the ceremony takes place. Then they will finally let you out of this dreadful cell"

Her footsteps echo as she departs. 

My desolation ceases my fight. The thought that  i have sired a child with Merdia makes the bile i fought to contain rise and spew violently from my chest.

I cough and heave as it flows endlessly

A rogue tear trails down with it

My mind in a disarray of despair. My chest bleeding in torment and A thought reoccurring through my mind 

"Leena...I am sorry I have failed you"..........................

I hated writing this scene but it needed to be done

What do you think did Xui really impregnate the bitch?

The drama of Xui's rescue next. What do you think will happen?




Thanks so much for Reading!!!

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