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Minho sat inside the club, his knee bouncing up and down as he impatiently watched the door. After witnessing his boyfriend leave the club with a random boy, he was unbelievably anxious. At first he wanted to go after them, in case jisung was in some kind of danger. However it was clear jisung initiated it so he didn't want to seem possessive. The problem was, that's exactly what Minho was. Possessive.

Jisung was his boyfriend. Only he was allowed to touch jisung. Only he was allowed to make jisung feel good. So why did this boy suddenly decide he was in any place to do so? To say minho was angry was an understatement, it took every piece of him to not go after the boys. But it had been too long. It had been almost 5 minutes and his jisung still hadn't come back. He became worried, jealous rather. He needed to see what was going on.

After pushing passed the groups of sweaty bodies Minho quickly made his way out the door. He looked one way, but didn't see them. But as he turned to look the other way, he was bumped into by a tall, good looking boy.
"Sorry, my bad." The boy mumbled as he continued to walk inside. Minho recognised the boy as the one that jisung had left with, and as he heard quiet whimpers coming from an alley way around the corner, Minhos heart almost dropped.

"Jisung??" Minho said, his heart almost breaking
at the sight in front of him. He rushed over to his boyfriend and pulled him into his chest.
"Jisung, hey, Baby what happened?? Did he hurt you??" Minho questioned frantically, cupping jisungs face in his hands, wiping his tears with his thumbs. Jisung held Minhos hand that rested on his cheek as he lightly shook his head no, trying to suppress his cries.

Minho didn't know what to do. "Jisung you need to tell me what's wrong? What can I do??" Minho asked, his own eyes almost becoming teary.
"P-please get H-hyunjin." Jisung whimpered.
"Yes of coarse!" Minho said quickly. "Stay here I'll be right back!"

Minho quickly ran inside, barging many people in the process. "Hyunjin!!" Minho yelled as he spotted the boy. "Hey handsome!" Hyunjin slurred as he made his way over to Minho. "This isn't the time hyunjin. Jisung needs you, please just come with me." Hyunjin looked as if just by those words, he had fallen completely sober, rushing after Minho.

Hyunjin knelt down infront of his bestfriend.
"Baby what is it?" He asked, very concerned. Minho twitched as he heard the pet name, but knew that for jisungs sake, had to stay calm.
"He's back hyunjin." Jisung whispered. Immediately hyunjin knew what jisung was referring to.
"Minho, go inside. Jeongin and Felix are lonely, I'll...uh I'll deal with this okay?" Minho was hesitant at first but knew that hyunjin knew jisung better than anyone so complied. If it would make jisung happy, it'd be worth it. He needed jisung to smile.

Hyunjin pulled jisung into a tight hug. "I'm so so so sorry Ji. Did he call you?" Jisung shook his head.
"No, hes here. He spoke to me. He told me how he misses me. He wants to catch up. What am I supposed to do hyunjin? What about Minho? Do I tell him? What will he think? What if he wants to break up with me? What if Mingi wants to get back together? I-" hyunjin put his hand over jisungs mouth. "Jisung it's okay. Minho isn't going to break up with you, don't be silly. You've had a lot to drink and this is big news. I know how hard this must be for you after what happened between the two of you. But babe, you're the strongest person I know. You got this okay? You don't have to call him until you're ready, heck, you don't even have to call him at all. Minhos here. I'm here. Felix and jeongin are here. You aren't alone anymore okay? It's going to be fine. Don't let him coming back ruin your happiness okay? Promise me it won't ruin your happiness."

Jisung took a deep breath out. "It won't, I promise."
"That's more like it! Come on, I'll get Minho to take you home." With that jisung wiped his face, fixed his hair and the two boys walked back inside.

Minho smiled in relief as he saw the boys heading in his direction. "Go and say goodbye to Felix and jeongin, I'll talk to minho." Hyunjin said to jisung with a soft smile. Minho and hyunjin watched as the boy walked away and then looked back at each other.
"It's his ex." Hyunjin stated bluntly. "That boy was his ex?" Minho asked, suddenly feeling extremely threatened.

"Yes. And I know you may be jealous or angry or concerned. But you've gotta understand how jisung is feeling. This was his first love. His first kiss. His first everything. When things ended, he was devastated. Didn't talk to anyone for weeks. Didn't leave his room. Didn't come to school. So for him to be back in jisungs life, is going to really take a toll on him. And I know it may be a lot to ask but you have to be there for him okay? Put your own feelings aside and just be there."

Minho nodded slowly. "What happened between them?" Hyunjin sighed. "They met at school in Malaysia, both from Korea obviously. Mingi is his name. They started dating at 14. He was there on a 3 year scholarship and jisung was there because at the time, that's where his parents were and he was too young to live alone. As jisung got older, he started visiting Korea more often, and that's how we met. He started doing half a year of school in Korea and half in Malaysia. Soon he decided he wanted to move here full time. Like jisung, Mingi too had a lot of money, so jisung would regularly fly to Malaysia to see him, and Mingi would do the same to Korea. After about a year of this, Mingis scholarship ended. However due to his marks, he was able to finish school early. One day he called jisung to tell him the news, however along with that, he told him he would be attending university but was taking a year off and travelling the world. But he was doing it alone. He told jisung that the relationship was hard enough as it was, and that it was for the best for them to break up. After that call, he blocked jisungs number and didnt contact him again. When I tell you jisung was devastated, he was devastated. You're the first person he's dated since then. You're the first chance he's had at happiness in 2 years. So please minho, take him home, wrap him up in blankets, make him a hot chocolate  and cuddle him."

Minho was at a loss for words. Who could ever do that to jisung? He knew he had to be there for him. So once the two had arrived home, Minho did exactly what hyunjin told him.

"Thanks for staying here minho, and doing all this." Jisung said as he played with the elders earing. Minho placed a kiss on the youngers lips.

"Anything for you."

Authors note 💕
I'm not sure if that made aNy sense what so ever but I hope you enjoyed? That was the longest chapter I've ever written :3 be sure to vote and comment <3

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