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Jisung waddled his way up the stairs of his new apartment. Although he originally thought he wouldn't have access to the house until a few weeks, the contract settled early, meaning he didn't need to stay with Chans family.

It was an odd feeling for him, having to live alone. Even when his parents were away there were always staff at his house so even when he didn't really talk to them, he was never completely by himself.

He opened the door and smiled at the room. His parents had bought him an already furnished apartment that overlooked Sydney harbour, penthouse of course. The wall closest to the water was completely made from glass meaning the natural lighting was amazing, ultimately making the chandelier just for show.

His suitcases were yet to be delivered to his room so while he waited to unpack, he decided to grab a snack. As requested by his parents, the fridge and pantries were already fully stocked with all of Jisungs favourite things and anything he'd need to make dinner.

They did offer to hire a chef for him too but he decided against it, wanting to do something for himself for once in his life.

He pulled his phone from his pocket to check the time, a box of shapes already opened in one hand. One plus about living here is that he already loved all the Australian snack because felix had cultured him on them from a very young age.

The time on his screen read 1pm. Even though the time difference between the two counties wasnt that durastic, he was still exhausted by the slight change and the flight in general.

He went to his room and flopped onto the king sized bed, immediately sinking into its comfort. He remembered how he had told his friends he'd text them when he arrived, so he opened up his messges and did so.

However, he was slightly stuck on one person in particular, Minho. Oh how his heart ached at so much as the contact name.

His Minho. His ex. It didn't sit right with him. He wished he could of done the work from Korea, or just packed Minho in his suitcase.

But unfortunately, the universe wasn't on their side this time. He hated that they had broken up, he wished he had just made a scene in the airport, eventually changing Minho's mind just because he wanted people to stop staring. However he knew that it hurt Minho just as much as it hurt him. It was the right decision.

It wasn't like this was their end, it couldn't be. Minhos words ran through his head. "if you come back in a year, 2 years or 10 years and we still love eachother, then so be it."


If we still love eachother.

Jisung smiled and shook his head. How silly Minho was to think he could possibly stay away from him for that long.

How silly he was for thinking that Jisung could possibly move on when he'd proven that fact to be wrong many times.

How silly he was to think that Jisung would even allow the chance of anyone to take his place in Minho's life.

He sent him a simple message, I landed safely love, and then shut off his phone.

A part of him felt as if he should give the older space, like really act as if he believed himself they were broken up. But Jisung needed the peace of mind that when he arrived back in Korea, Minho would still be wrapped around his finger.

The boy he loved would still be his.

When Jisung did get his reply, he could practically feel Minho blushing through the screen. "This boy." He mumbled to himself before turning off the device completely and answering the door to who he assumed was the person delivering his bags.

He was taken aback when he was greeted with a young boy his age, an attractive young boy his age.
"Mr han?" He asked, a shy smile playing on his lips.

"That's me." Jisung replied taking in his features.
"I have your bags, would you like to take them or do you wish for me to bring them inside for you?" The boy asked politely.

"I've been in this apartment for about 30 minutes in total and I already feel lonely as hell, what do you say you come in for a bit? Do you like shapes?" Jisung asked, motioning the box towards the boy who chuckled lightly shaking his head.

"Would you like the bags located in your room?"
Jisung just shrugged. "Meh I don't care, just chuck them anywhere."

The worker just nodded and placed them by the bed room door. "Do you wanna come sit? You look tired." Jisung said as he sat on the lounge and rested one foot up on the coffee table.

The other felt slightly guilty for slacking off when he was supposed to be working but eventually gave in and flopped down next to the other.

"My shift started at 5am and my lunch break was cancelled because a group of 7 people moved in to the apartment on the floor below you and I had to help them 'settle in'"the boy groaned running his hands through his hair.

Jisung patted his shoulder empathetically. "I'm legal in this country, you want a drink?"

The other boy laughed but shook his head. "I really should get back to work, my boss will flip if I'm gone any longer."

The other just scoffed. "Or I could just call your boss after you have a well deserved break and tell him how well you 'helped me unpack' and then convince him to give you a raise?"

The other boy just widened his eyes and laughed. "I like the way you think, Han. Pass me a glass."

Jisung snickered at the boy's reaction. "Relatable. Also, no need to be so formal, just call me Jisung." He smiled before handing the other a glass of whatever was already in his fridge.

"Okay, Jisung, it's a pleasure to meet you." He said, before the two clinked their glasses.

"The pleasure is all mine.......?" Jisung trailed off, not knowing the name of the cute boy infront of him.

"San, Choi san."

Y'all this has been my god damn dream since I started writing :') Thankyou sm

Also this is chapter 69 hehe

Does Jisung have a friend already? Will it stay just a friendship? Does San perhaps know someone from Jisungs past? So many questions, not enough answers 😳

Anyways see you angels in the next chapter, vote and comment for more <3

Ry x

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