Suit and tie

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"It's been a while since my parents have thrown one of these." Jisung said as he buttoned up his dress shirt.

Minho looked around the boys bedroom, even though he's been here countless times. "I mean, you certainly have the house for them."

Jisungs parents had today decided to throw another one of those rich people parties, where a bunch of old people and work colleagues would flood his house to 'talk business'.

He, of course, had to attend them due to the fact he would soon be taking over the family business. Unlike in most families where sons are forced into the role, jisung actually wanted to.

His parents had built a good company, that helped people. Who wouldn't want to be a part of that? The only thing he hated was the parties that came along with it.

"I'm glad you're here to enjoy it with me." Jisung spoke as he walked over to his boyfriend who was sitting on the end of the bed and straddled his lap.

Minho rested his head in his boyfriends neck and gave a soft kiss. "I wouldn't dream of being anywhere else. You look extremely handsome in your suit, Mr Han."

Jisung giggled and cupped the elders face. "As do you, Mr Lee."

Almost as if to ruin their moment his mother knocked on his bedroom door. "Alright you two love birds, the guests are starting to arrive! Don't be too long!"

The boys sighed heavily and jisung stood up. "Let's go conquer all these rich people." Minho said in a determined tone.

Jisung shook his head. "Minho, May I remind you that all those rich people are my future business partners. Yours too if you end up taking the job offer my dad basically threw at you!"

Minho just nodded as jisung helped him with his tie.
"This feels like a dog collar." The older complained.

Jisung laughed and ruffled the boys hair sending him a wink. "I can help you take it off later if you be a good boy."


Downstairs, conversation was buzzing in every corner of the room. People to the right were arguing about climate change, people to the left were placing bets on the next American president, and the people in front of Minho were trying to sneak the last piece of cake without anyone noticing.

He had been here for a while, at the party. Almost 2 hours. It hadn't gotten unbearable just yet, as he had recently finished a conversation with a very nice woman about how she had a beautiful daughter just about his age.

He wasn't sure if he should mention that he's dating the boy who's family basically owns her or not, so he kept his mouth shut and continued to smile and nod, an art he was learning to master.

It was only when the lady moved on that Minho really noticed Jisungs lack of presence. Hell, he didn't even know where the boy was. He concidered going back upstairs to Jisungs room until the party was over, after all he wasn't really needed here, but eventually decided he would be bored and should look for his boyfriend. What if he got kidnapped?

Eventually, 2 laps of the house later, after some self praise for finally knowing his way around this literal castle, Minho found the boy. He was sitting in the garden on a bench talking intently to an older man about what Minho was guessing was work.

He slowly strolled over to them and placed his hand on Jisungs shoulder, causing the younger to slightly jump.

"God Minho! You scared me!" He exclaimed, trying to restart his heart.

"Sorry about that." He replied laughing. The old man looked at him from head to toe before smiling.
"Now, who's this fine young man?" He asked jisung causing the younger to grin.

"This is my boyfriend, Lee Minho. Min, this was my grandfathers best friend before he passed away."

Minho sent a warm smile towards the older and bowed. "It's my pleasure to meet you." He said politely.

"And you. I've known jisung since he was a young boy, I'm glad he's finally met someone!" The man exclaimed, causing both boys to blush.

"I'll leave you two boys to chat, I've got to go talk to some more stuck up people! Jisung, consider what I said, okay?"

Minho grinned as the man walked away. He felt slightly confused about the last thing he said, but decided to leave it as he didn't want to interfere in what was probably just business anyway. "He was sweet."

Jisung let out a sigh as he seemed to already be lost in thought. "Yeah he is, but god am I tired. Do you have any idea how many 'beautiful young daughters just my age' I've had to hear about in the last 20 minutes?" Minho nodded knowingly.

"Tell me about it, I almost got practically engaged to one of them." The two of them laughed as they thought about how ridiculous the concept was.

The two of them, with anyone other than eachother? Absolutely Preposterous.


The party went exactly as expected, slowly. Minho was happy when it ended, meaning him and jisung could finally get back to the show they had been binging.

However his energy didn't seem to be matched by the younger, who had an uneasy and distressed look on his face.

"Baby, you good?" Minho asked, softly gripping one of his hands as they sat on Jisungs bed. He had sensed a behavioural change in the boy ever since the event, but concluded it as him just being tired.

Now that he was properly looking at jisung, he took in his features. His eyes looked somewhat glassy, his mouth was resting slightly open and his skin seemed to be oddly drained from colour. He looked extremely conflicted with something, but Minho had no idea what.

"Jisung? Is there something you want to talk about? Something you wanna tell me?" The elder questioned, now growing slightly concerned as he focused every bit of his attention on his boyfriend.

"Minho, I need to tell you something."

The older tensed at the words.

"Anything you need, love." Minho said reassuringly, placing his hand to caress Jisungs cheek. The younger took a deep breath.

"Today, before you came over, you know, when I was talking to my grandfathers friend, he asked me something. Well,rather, he offered me something."

Minho looked at him weirdly. "You didn't take drugs did you?" A small smile broke out onto Jisungs face before he remembered the seriousness of the topic and his expression fell once again.

"No Minho, he offered me a job, as part of an extension of our own company."

The elders eyes lit up. "That's great jisung! I'm so proud of you!"

The younger stayed with a blue look on his face and Minhos heart sank at his next words.

"Minho, the jobs in Australia, and he wants me to start a next week."

Ooooohhhh what's gonna happen 👀👀👀

Anyone wanna be pen pals with me and send eachother hella aesthetic letters and washi tapes and stickers and tea bags and photos of our kpop boys.... ahahhaha........jk...... unless?

Also I've been updating my other story a lot recently so be sure to check it out.

I've also got another story in the works,,,,, when should I release it?

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