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Not much else was occupying Jisungs kind aside from his mother.

At first he planned to go straight to the hospital as soon as he touched down in korea. Unfortunately for him though, he could barely keep his eyes open long enough to find his driver.

Seeing his state, the man obviously knew it was best to drive him straight home. Jisung wasn't opposed to the idea because on top of his exhaustion, he had 2 suitcases that he needed to drop there anyway.

He decided it would be best to sleep for a few hours and then visit his mum first thing in the morning, besides, it had been so long since he had slept in his old bed.

Waddling up the drive way, Jisung watched as the gates opened, thankful that the driver remembered the code because at this point he could barely remember his own name.

He was a little taken aback to see that the lights inside the house were still on. Even though it was only 11 pm, his parents were almost always in bed by 9.

Perhaps his dad had decided to stay up for him, after all he did call him before getting on the plane to let him know he would be coming. Jisung fiddled with the his key until finally, the door opened and he sighed in relief.

Walking into the living room, all of a sudden he was wide awake.

Why on earth was his mother sitting on the lounge staring at him with a cup of tea in her hand?

"Mum?" The blonde questioned, wondering if she was just a figment of his tired imagination.

His mum smiled and made her way to him, wrapping him in a tight embrace.

"Sungie it's been far too long! How could you leave your poor old mother for such a long time?"

Jisung blinked his eyes in confusion.

"Why aren't you in the hospital?" He whispered, rubbing his temples as he tried to come up with a logical explanation.

"Oh about that, I was never in the hospital." She giggled, waving her hand dismissively.

Jisung felt his draw drop slightly. "Excuse you?"

His mother sighed and resumed her seat back on the lounge, jisung sitting next to her.

"The call was fake, I had one of my workers make it for me." She explained, a calm look on her face as her fingers made her teaspoon dance around the cup.

"So you're telling me, I flew all the way from Australia to Korea, for what?" The younger questioned trying to keep in his anger at bay, but boy was he angry.

"Jisung look, I know you might be mad at the moment, but let me explain. I know that you and Minho broke up before you left."

Unbelievable, he thought. His mother made him fly all the way across the world to lecture him.

"And the truth is, I want you together again. It's clear that he's still in love with you by everything hyunjin has told me and I know for a fact that no matter how many times I asked, you wouldn't come back unless I gave you a reason to. So I did, your welcome."

Jisung looked at his mother in disbelief. "Let me get this straight, you pulled me away from my incredibly important work, to try and play Cupid?"

His mother laughed. "Oh honey don't be ridiculous, I'm not trying to play Cupid, I am playing Cupid. Minho will be studying at the library in the centre of town tomorrow at approximately 11am. He will be there for around 2 hours and after that will take the 325 street route home. You are going to catch up with him. I won't tell you what to say or where to take him because I know you two have your fair share of spots and things to talk about but that's the plan, hyunjin and I have been organising it for weeks!"

The blonde ran his hand through his hair, how could this even be happening? Why did his mum have to be bestfriends with all of his bestfriends too? Who did they think they were to plot against him? "I don't know about this mum..."

The woman placed her hand on his chin and turned him to face her. "Yes you do Jisung. I know you still love him. Not to mention I love him too so really it a win win situation!"

Jisung couldn't help but break into a small fit of laughter. "You know, it really seems like you're doing this for your own benefit."

"To be fair, who wouldn't want a such a sweet son in law." His mother said admittedly.

Jisung shook his head. "I swear to god sometimes it seems like you love him more than you love me."

"Of course I do!" His mother gasped. "After everything you've put that angel though your lucky you're not on the streets!"

"Mum!" Jisung yelled in an offended manner.

"I'm just kidding baby." She reassured him covering his face with butterfly kisses. "I love you more than anything."

Jisung smiled and leaned into her, enjoying the feel of finally being back in his mother's arms after all this time. He was thankful for her and deep down he knew she was right about Minho, he never stopped loving him and this little push is just what he needed. Even if it was completely involuntary and inconveniently timed.

"Well, most of the time." He heard her whisper, but he only chuckled in response not being bothered to banter any more.

He placed his head on her lap and laid down on the long couch. She tangled her fingers in his hair and stroked him lovingly, kissing his cheek as he let the undeniable sleep take over.

Tomorrow would be interesting to say the least.


Hey angels, how is everyone? Currently I'm supposed to be doing my online maths class but I decided that I'd much rather give you a quick update hehe. I'm sorry that it's trashy but I'm sick of dragging this book out! I don't want you guys being bored, so I'm trying to get to the point as quickly as possible!

Let me know if you have any feedback/improvements!

Vote and comment for more <3
Ry x

I'd love for you guys to check out my new book "half light"! It's a very different writing style to this book but I think I like it better?? I hope you do too!

Important!!!I'd love for you guys to check out my new book "half light"! It's a very different writing style to this book but I think I like it better?? I hope you do too!

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Please check it out! I'd really appreciate it 🥰

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