Worth it

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A/N: slight trigger warning ⚠️
Eg talk of suicide/self harm

Another day passed and with it came another present.
"Zappos for the first time you kissed me. Best day of my life."

Minho tried his best not to be affected by what jisung was sending and saying but in reality, he couldn't deny that he ran to the door every morning, almost falling over multiple times out of eagerness.

Minho was an all around mess by what he was feeling. For some reason he wasn't angry anymore. What jisung said in the voice mail gave him hope. Hope that what he saw was taken out of context. What happened no longer made him feel betrayed or hurt, instead he just felt sadness. He felt emptiness. And no matter what he told himself, he knew the void in him could only be filled by getting jisung back.

As mentioned, he was trying not to give jisung thought. However as he sat on his lounge lazily eating cereal, he couldn't help but feel the urge to at least check jisungs Instagram page.

He froze when he saw his recent update. Jisung? Smoking? Never. How could this even be happening. Everytime Minho had one infront of him, he was scolded.

Was jisung doing this his fault? Did he pick up the habit from him? Or was he doing the same as Minho and using it as a coping mechanism? Was it because Minho wasn't answering him?

Minho immediately felt guilty. He wanted so badly to text jisung and just make sure he was okay. He didn't give a fuck if he was supposed to be mad at him. He wasn't anymore and that's the end of it. Of coarse he wasn't going to forgive him. At least not until he heard the full story, but there was no point in acting like he hated the younger, because the bottom line was, he didn't.

He eventually decided to message the younger. Nothing special, he just really needed to make sure he was okay. He lost his dad to mental health, he wasn't about to lose jisung too.

Minho 💘
Hey jisung, sorry for not answering it just, well you know. Anyway I just wanted to make sure you were doing okay, I saw your post on Instagram. This isn't you.

Jisung thought his eyes were deceiving him as he looked at the notification on his phone. He put down the beer bottle and wiped his eyes as he read over the message. Typical Minho. Worried about him when he's the one who should be hurting.

He threw his phone onto his bed, not having the will to answer right now. He looked in the mirror on his desk and laughed at his state. 'Look at yourself jisung, you're pathetic. It's 9:30 am and you're drinking and smoking your problems away. No fucking wonder Mingi left you in the first place. No wonder he came back just to fuck you up again. You deserve everything you're getting right now. Besides Minho, you never deserved him. Just keep sending him your little presents until you reach day 7 and then what? You're gonna kill yourself? Is that what you're going to do? Take the easy way out? As expected from you. You're worthless. You're good for nothing. Your own mother couldn't even look at you after what you did.'

And then crash. The sound of glass shattering echoed through the room as jisung looked down at the mirror he had just thrown. 'Fucking good one' he thought to himself as he picked up the shards, throwing them out, but not without debating a terrible use for them.

He hated how he was feeling. So useless. He didn't know what he was doing anymore. He wanted Minho back but he knew he would never be good enough. Who would want him anyway? Sure Minho was attracted to the confident, bubbly rich boy that showed on the surface. But it's not like he'd stay after seeing so much as a glimpse of the broken, alcoholic loser with PTSD and emotional scarring.

He wanted Minho so bad, but of course he knew, Minho deserved better. Still, he had hope. Hope that maybe, Minho wouldn't want to leave. That maybe the little things he was sending would remind him of what they had, whilst also convincing himself that not all was lost.

To him, the text from Minho was a sign. A sign that maybe Minho missed him too. And hopefully, with whatever power the universe has, all could be well again, and this alternate personality that jumped out when jisung felt sad, would leave again.


3 more days passed and Minho still hadn't gotten a reply from jisung, however the presents kept coming. Today however was the final day, day 7. But when Minho woke up, and didn't find anything at his door, he knew something was wrong.

He had this sinking feeling in his stomach. One that kept repeating "go to him", so he decided he would.
But as he went to lock his front door as he was leaving, he noticed a note stuck to it.

"Day 7/7, meet me at the park anytime today, I'll be waiting for you. I have nowhere better to be."

Minho was scared. He was so confident a minute ago but now, the thought of confrontation killed him. However he knew he had to do this. So he got in his car, turned on his GPS, and drove.

Authors note 💕
Hey angels. I hope everyone is doing good. Just a reminder that all of you are amazing and 100% worth it. I hope you never stop smiling. You are appreciated and needed, stay strong always 🖤

My DMs are always open to any of you x

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