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Jisungs knees hitting the floor as he let out wail after wail could probably be heard 2 towns over.

He had just received what was most likely the worst news he could ever imagine and he suddenly lost control of himself as his legs turned to jelly underneath him.

Only seconds earlier he was sitting in bed with a movie ready, eagerly waiting for his boyfriend to return home. He did wonder why he was taking so long but assumed it was most likely traffic.

His thoughts were disturbed by the ringing of his phone. The contact name that appeared on the screen baffled Jisung, Minhos step father?

He furrowed his eye brows as he reached for his phone, wondering why on earth Doyoon was calling him. He didn't have a problem with it, but he had never had an over the phone conversation with him before.

Usually Minhos mother called if she needed something, and even then she would only call if Minho wasn't picking up. Strange.

Much to his dismay, he wasn't met with the usual cheerful tone of the man, rather one filled with sniffles, background noises and shaky breathing.

"Jisung?" The man barely whispered causing his heart to speed up.

"Doyoon? Is everything okay?"


"It's Minho." Jisung felt his head become dizzy as his hands started to shake, almost dropping his phone.

"What do you mean Minho? Is he hurt? What happened?!" The frantic was clear as day in the youngers tone, the worst possible outcomes already being jumped too in his head.

"Jisung......he's been in an accident."

The boys lips began to quiver, but still he tried to remain hopeful and ignore the devastation painted in the older mans tone.

"W-what kind of accident?"

"A car accident, Jisung. We're at the hospital already."

Tears started streaming down the boys cheeks as his hand was held over his mouth, only grazing his lips.

"Is he okay?"

The length of the pause was more painful then the words, splintering inside Jisungs heart.

"I think it's best for you to come....As quickly as possible."

When the familiar tone of the phone line cutting out sounded, jisung fell to the ground. He didn't care about his neighbours or any of the staff busily cleaning or cooking in his house as he let out a sorrowful scream.

Everything around him began to go blurry and the only sound he could hear was his heartbeat pounding agains his chest.

His once even breath turned into shallow gasps as he fumbled his keys and stumbled out of his house at a pace much to fast for someone so unstable.

He probably shouldn't be driving, but in all honestly he didn't care. He was just given the news that his purpose for living was possibly not, and he didn't see any point in being careful. He wanted to go to the nearest bridge and drive himself off it.

But quite frankly, he would only be willing to do such a thing once he had confirmation that there was nothing left living for.

The word hope battled the word hopeless inside of Jisungs mind. He wanted to believe that everything would be fine. That only as much as a scratch was able to print Minhos pretty face and when he arrived Minho would be sitting up with his classic smile waiting for him.

But on the other hand, Doyoons voice didn't show even a hint of that. Neither did the shrieks and cries heard in the background sounding as if they were coming from Minhos mother.

Jisung felt sick. He felt as if the walls around him were caving in and yet, he was willing to be crushed. He felt small and he felt vulnerable. He felt as if the air that was once feeding him life was now doing nothing but choking him, laughing as it's cold hands wrapped around his throat.

The tears dripping down his face were reminding him much of his mind, liquid. His knuckles were white as they continued to clench the steering wheel.

In no time, jisung was there. Everyone and everything around him seemed to disappear as he ran through the large glass doors.

"Where is he?!" He screamed, not exactly knowing who he expected to be helped by when those were the only words he could form.

Luckily, from down the hall he heard the familiar voice of Doyoon call his name. Without a second thought he began to bolt towards the noise, not even thinking to apologise to the many people he had barged his way past.

"Jisung...." the older man began.

The boy gripped his shoulders intensely looking deep into his eyes, desperately searching for anything that would give him the only answer he wanted to hear.

Yet all he found was pity. Pity towards the boy he saw in his reflection who looked as if he was going insane. "He's in there, but we-"

Without allowing Doyoon to finish, Jisung ran and swung open the door. If it was possible, his expression dropped even further.

In the center of the room was a boy, someone unrecognisable surrounded by surgeons, machines and covered in blood and casts. Immediately a pair of hands were pushing him out of the room, however no amount of screaming, crying or refusing stopped the force so eventually his body fell weak and he gave in.

"I'm sorry sir you can't be in here right now." Were the only words Jisung picked up on as he eventually came to be outside of the room, where he slowly slid his back down the wall and sat on the floor in a huddle.

The burning heat of pain and anger eventually turned into the icy feeling of numbness as he sat on the cold, tile ground staring off into nothing as he slightly rocked back and forward.

Tears were falling, and even after hours they hadn't stopped. However jisung didn't make a single noise. He just sat there until the windows saw nothing but darkness, and waited.

Pls have faith in me
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