Let me remind you

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It had been 3 days since jisung had last seen Minho, but of coarse that was his own fault. Not only had he not even attempted to message him or visit his house, but he hadn't left his own room since the incident.

Jisung in all honesty, had never felt worse in his entire life. Minho loved him, and he loved Minho and now, because of his own idiocy he ruined that.

All jisung could do was keep replaying how it all started in his head. How badly he wished he could go back and stop it. How badly he wish he had fought against himself harder.


"Jisung." Mingi said with a smile as he stood outside the door, looking in at the other, who had an awkward smile on his face.
"Mingi, hi. What are you doing here?" Jisung asked curiously. Mingi just smiled and shook his head as he brushed passed jisung entering his house.
"You've been a little distant sungie, always with that friend of yours. What's his name? Minho is it?"
"Y-Yeah, Minho." Jisung said in a small voice.
"Now, I understand you have other friends Ji," Mingi said stepping closer, "but I'm feeling slightly neglected." The boy stated as he placed his hand below Jisungs chin. "I don't like feeling like a second choice."

Jisung sat on his bed, not saying a word, whilst the other paced around his room, opening draws and looking at photos. Jisung felt like his privacy was slightly being invaded but he was too scared to say anything. "Why so quiet for love?" Mingi asked as he stepped towards jisung. "Please don't call me that." Jisung stated, avoiding eye contact with the elder. "Why not?" Mingi asked with a pout.

Jisung took in a deep breath. "Mingi I think you should leave, I was in the middle of school work."
Minho scoffed. "Leave? And why would you want that exactly?" Jisung rolled his eyes subtlety.
"Because you're distracting me." Mingi smirked and came even closer. "It's not my fault you can't keep your eyes off of me." Aggressively Mingi pushed jisung so his back was on the bed, placing a leg on either side of him, and holding jisungs face with his hands.

"Mingi, stop. I don't want this." Jisung said firmly.
"Don't be all shitty Ji, you know how much fun we used to have.." Mingi said as he began to kiss jisungs neck. Jisung wanted so badly to let out a noise to reciprocate the pleasure he was feeling however he held himself back, this was not what he wanted. "I said stop Mingi." Jisung tried to push the elder off. "I told you we could be friends, that's it!"
Mingi pushed the younger down even harder.
"Oh bullshit jisung. You know how much I love you! I still do, and I know you love me too. But in case you've forgotten, Let me remind you just how much you love me.." once again the elder began to kiss jisung, this time however on his lips.

Jisung felt unbelievably guilty. He wanted to make this stop but his body wasn't letting him. He couldn't deny that he enjoyed the feeling, yet he hated the fact that it was Mingi giving it to him. He wanted Minho.

"Mingi fucking stop!" Jisung yelled.
"What is wrong with you? Why is there any reason for me to stop? Huh?" Mingi replied angrily.
"Aside form the fact that I didn't give you consent and this is basically fucking assault, Minho! Minho is the reason! He's my boyfriend and I love him and unlike you, he won't leave me. So once again, fucking stop." At this point jisung has managed to get up and was standing, facing the bed and Mingi was on it, facing the door.

At this moment Mingi heard the sound of a slight ruckus out side of the door, then as it slowly opened, revealing the boy, Mingi reached for the nape of jisungs neck and pulled him in for a deep kiss, jisung falling on top of him in the process. Before jisung even knew what was happening it was already too late.


In reality, it wasn't really jisungs fault that it happened. But it was his fault that he let it. Why did he keep allowing Mingi to text him? Why did he let him into his house? Why didn't he fight back harder? Why did he even let Mingi back into his life in the first place? Did he honestly believe they could just be friends? After everything they've been through together?

Jisung wasnt sad over losing Mingi anymore. In fact, for once in his life, he was thankful he was gone. However, because of Mingi, he lost Minho. He lost the source that kept him warm at night. He lost the arms that kept him safe. He lost they eyes that made him see galaxies. He lost the light that made the dark days better. And he lost the boy he loved.

To him, It was of coarse mostly his fault though. If maybe he had just been more affectionate, more open, or even just more present, Minho would've given him a chance to explain. However if he was in Minhos position, he wouldn't trust him either. Always hiding his phone when he opened messages and blowing off plans. At the time, it didn't seem like anything for jisung to do this, but now looking back, jisung realised how shitty of a boyfriend he had been. Minho always answered calls and always showed up at the literal snap of jisungs fingers. these were all the things he took for granted in Minho, and all the things he himself failed to do.

He needed someone,
He didn't have minho, So who else could he turn to?

Slowly he reached for his phone and dialled the number of the only other person he could think of, that may be able to put a smile on his face.

Phone calling.....


Authors note 💕
You don't know how tempted I was to just release an A/N saying I was discontinuing the story and see all the reactions. LuCkIlY I love you guys so I changed my mind. Thanks for 14k my loves ❤️
Be sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed <3

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