Forget me

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Chan sighed through the phone. "I feel like it's only getting worse." He said to a boy who he wished was infront of him rather than across the globe.

"I wish I was there Chan and I would be, but work is just so full on at the moment. I'm supposed to have 3 pitches for our next project by next week and I haven't even finished 1." The younger replied, rubbing his face with his hands.

"I don't expect you here Jisung, I get it, works important. It's just, right now I don't know who else to turn to."

Even though no one thought it was possible, Minhos behaviour had only gotten worse. It wasn't just clubbing anymore, it was bringing people home. It wasn't just missing school every now and again, it was going M.I.A for weeks at a time. It wasn't just dropping grades, it was plummeting test results and only showing up for major exams which he barely passed anyway.

Not only was all of this occurring, but just to add to it, Minho had gone back to his old ways of getting with literally anyone who caught his attention in the slightest.

It was never just sharing a drink with a stranger, it was his friends showing up at his apartment and the door being opened by a face they'd never seen before, sometimes boys, sometimes girls, Minho didn't even like girls.

However, the thing that made Minho really out of reach to everyone was the fact that he had his own apartment now, gifted to him in honour of making it to senior year by his mother. His family was never wealthy, but they were somewhat comfortable. The keys to this one bedroom place didn't come easy to his mother, saving up had been a working progress since the day he was born. She even used some of the money left to her from his fathers will, but it was worth it for her sons happiness.

What was supposed to be a peaceful oasis for studying and learning to be an adult, had turned into nothing but a station for ditching school and facilitating for his hookups.

Chan of course, disclosed a lot of this information from Jisung, not wanting him to get his heart broken by it. Chan new that jisung had a 'friend' at the moment, however nothing jisung had even thought about doing with San, amounted to what Minho was doing with people who's name he couldn't even remember.

"I don't know what to tell you anymore chan. I know it sounds selfish of me, but this situation is taking up too much of my life right now for it to be about someone who won't even answer my messages. If he reaches out, I'll be here waiting. But until then, I need to leave this to you guys." Jisung said, standing on his balcony and looking down at his watch to see that it was getting way too late.

The older shook his head before remembering that Jisung couldn't actually see him. "You're right Jisung, I'm sorry."

The younger sighed. "There's nothing to be sorry about. Try and get Changbin to go over and see him. If he's gonna talk to anyone it'll be him. It's getting late and I've still got work to do. I've got to go but let me know if he says anything, okay?"

"Of course, bye Jisung." The blonde replied before hanging up the phone.

Jisung pulled the glass sliding door shut as he re entered his house. San was so busy in the bedroom folding freshly washed clothes and putting them away that he almost didn't notice the boy who had buried half of his body under the white duvet in the bed behind him.

He smiled lightly to himself as he made his way over to the boy and pulled the youngers shoes off, Jisung almost immediately snuggling his feet under the blanket to join the rest of his body.

He heard the younger boy whimper slightly when he pulled the duvet down ever so slightly to see his face, placing his hand to softly caress his cheek.

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