People are different

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To say minho felt deflated was an understatement. He thought that him and jisung were back to the way they were again. He thought everything was fine. But since they last saw each other a week ago, jisung hadn't even opened his messages. He hadn't answered his calls and he wasn't home when he had visited his house. It was almost like he had fallen completely off the face of the earth.

Minho was in his bedroom looking out of his large wooden window. The moon reflected off of his silky black duvet cover as he played soft music in the background, his clock reading 8:12pm. This was the time when his house was the busiest. His mum was home from work and very shortly, her boyfriend would be too, so he had a routine. As soon as his clock hit 7, he start playing music, hopefully to drown out any noise coming out of his soon to be step fathers lousy mouth.

Minho often felt lonely in his room. His light grey walls and black bed sheets didn't give off the warmest feeling. He had posters of bands hanging from above his desk and on his floor he had a small black rug. His desk was piled up with papers. Sketches, lyrics and unfinished school work that he was putting off. His room was always cold. Empty too. Hence why he always felt lonely.

He never felt lonely in jisungs room.

He changed his gaze to rest on the bedside table, to the left of his bed. A wooden picture frame holding a photo. One of him and jisung. Both looking at the camera with blank faces. Minhos arm was slung around jisungs shoulders and they were both looking up, at the slightly elevated camera. Minho found the photo cute. They both looked so clueless. Jisung looked especially adorable. He felt his heartache at the feeling of butterflies in his stomach. He really did love his jisung. Yet he often questioned if jisung felt the same.


It was a boring night for jisung, not much happening in his household. His mum hadn't gone back to Malaysia yet so she was home, but aside from that, his house was empty. Empty like usual. He was participating in his regular nightly routine e.g writing lyrics on his computer and watching YouTube. Usually he's be on his phone. Maybe texting Minho, or Mingi, but his phone was broken and even though it wasn't a big deal to buy a new one, he just hadn't been bothered yet. He felt a little bad for not letting Minho know but he felt rather refreshed without his phone. He'd been going on walks a lot so he hadn't been home much either. His YouTube binging was brought to a halt when he heard a light knock on his door.
"Come in." He mumbled.
"Hey sweetie." His mum said with a warm smile, walking over to his bed and sitting down.
"What's up?" He asked, shutting his computer and sitting up on his bed to face her.
"I just wanted to check in with you, everything's alright with Minho right?" Jisung suddenly felt anxious.
"Uh yeah. Why wouldn't it be?" He asked, slightly impatiently. His mother sighed.
"It's just, I didn't see him for a while and you didn't talk about him at all. Then Mingi shows up and starts staying over. Then one day minho walks into my kitchen greeting me happily. And then now he's been showing up here almost everyday asking for you, and coincidentally, you aren't home. So I ask again, what's up?" Jisung played with his fingers.
"Really, it's nothing mum. Mingi and I are just getting close again, and Minhos honestly fine with it. He really doesn't mind. I'm sure he's been hanging out with hyunjin anyway." Jisung said slightly scoffing.

His mother nodded slowly before looking at her son.
"Please just be careful jisung. Not everyone's heart is the same as yours. Not everyone takes things the same way nor do they view things the same. People are different and you never know what someone going through, the slightest action might hurt someone beyond belief." His mother patted his leg before smiling softly and exiting the room, leaving jisung to ponder on her words.

Authors note 💕

Ive noticed lately you guys have been having some negative things to say about the story. I know that at the moment it's a bit angsty, but please just wait it out. The story wouldn't be a story without a bit of drama right? With that, please keep commenting! I love reading them! Also we just hit 10k holy shit didhhdjdjdjdj. Thankyou all so much ❤️ make sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed <3

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