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To say Jisung was nervous would be an understatement.

He could barely pull his phone out of his pocket to check the time due to how much is frail hands were shaking.

He didn't know why he felt like this, it was only Minho.

Then again, that was also the problem, it was minho. Jisung knew he couldn't screw this up.

The blonde sat at the opposite side of the road from the library exit, hoping and praying that hyunjin had timed this properly.

He tapped his fingers anxiously on the table in-front of him, his coffee growing cold as he payed little mind to it.

He checked his phone again for what was probably the 30th time in the past 5 minutes, how had only a minute passed? He cursed in his head. Time was being so cruel today.

After looking for long enough, Jisung wasn't sure whether Minho walking through the doors was something he created with his imagination to satisfy his eagerness, or whether it was actually happening.

Dashingly handsome, is all Jisung could note as he fumbled his way out of his seat and began to follow the elder, Minho was even more beautiful since the last time he had seen him.

Sure, the two had spent the last 8 months FaceTiming and Snapchatting, but it seems the camera hadn't done him enough justice.

So much had changed about the boy, his brown hair was now an ashy grey, his skin seemed a little darker and perhaps he had grown about an inch, but the thing that stood out the most to Jisung, was the way in which he carried himself.

Minho had a different aura, he was more mature now. He had 2 books in his hand rather than his phone and for the first time ever Jisung watched as he walked straight past the ice cream parlour.

The younger began to feel worried, Minho had changed, what if they weren't right for each other anymore?? In that moment of doubt, Jisung was so close to pivoting on his heel and heading in the other direction, but as he watched Minho press his face against the glass and smile in at the cat cafe, all his worries seemed to disappear, Ah, there he is.

Jisung probably should of planned this out better, even though he spent the entirety of his shower last night imaging scenarios, he still had no idea what he was going to say, however he had decided that he would approach Minho as he was going passed the park where they first met.

It seemed that Jisung had gotten lucky Minho liked the library closer to his house otherwise he would be stuck talking to Minho in some alleyway near the part of town Minho lives.

As the roads grew quieter and the people grew more rare, it made it harder for Jisung to stay scarce. He felt like a complete idiot hiding behind trees and bushes as he waited until the two finally made it to his desired location.

Eventually they had arrived and Jisung couldn't stall anymore, the time for procrastination was over. He sped up his footsteps until he was less that a meter behind the older and took a deep breath.

"Minho." He said nervously, fiddling with his fingers. However the moment was nothing like Jisung had imagined, Minho kept walking.

"Minho!" Jisung said again, this time slightly louder, still the older continued on his path as if Jisung wasn't there.

The blonde felt like his heart was breaking as he forced himself to rid of the glassy layer of tears that was making its way to his eyes.

Why was minho ignoring him? This isn't how Jisung planned for this to go, at all.

He let out a breath of hurt as he bit his lip to hold in his emotions. His feet stopped walking and all he could do was watch Minho continue to walk although his heart ached.

ᴛᴀsᴛᴇs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ // Minsung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now