I love you

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It was almost as if time stopped and the world around him went completely blank, with a bright, bright spotlight shinning on the scene infront of him. Jisungs lips attached to another. A boy that wasn't him.

Minho felt light headed and weak at his knees. He felt betrayed. He felt hurt. He wouldn't be surprised if the sound of his heart shattering was audible. Maybe that is what caught jisungs attention causing him to turn around quickly in shock. Or maybe it was the sound of the small whimper that Minho let out.

"Minho! Oh my god-" jisung started, noticing the tears building up in the elders eyes, feeling his own face drain from colour. He pushed the other boy off his bed, Rushing over to the elder and placing a hand on each side of Minhos body, holding his shoulders securely.

"M-Minho baby this isn't what it-" Minho released himself from jisungs tight grip and bolted down his large, marble stairs into the kitchen, jisung trailing closely behind, Minho trying his best to quickly gather all of the items he had brought however dropping almost everything due to his tear blurred vision and trembling hands. Jisungs eyes widened as he scanned the floor. Flowers? Chocolates? Oh god what has he done.

Minho quivered, he turned himself to lean his forehead against the wall, his hands on either side of his head on the wall to support him as he slowly fell down into a squatting position. He tried his best to not seem so weak. But there was no point in trying to conceal his sadness when loud sobs began to leave his mouth. This was his worst nightmare come true and in this very moment he felt so vulnerable. Minho hated feeling vulnerable. He felt like this was all some cruel joke, a trick implemented by someone up above who had it out for him, and any minute now, the two of them would start laughing knowing it was all just a joke. But that didn't happen. No one was laughing. And Minho wasn't waking up from this nightmare.

"Minnie p-please baby look at me.." jisung stuttered as he squatted down next to minho trying to make the boy face him. However Minho just cried. His eyes stung and his heart hurt. "Minho, please" jisung begged, tears already spilling from his own eyes.

Finally minho turned to look at him. He tried to replace the sadness in his eyes with the anger he felt inside but even after what just happened, his heart became soft when he saw the tears eyed younger. Mustering up all the courage he could, he pulled himself from the ground and wiped his eyes viciously, once again attempting to quickly pick everything up, this time not failing. He made his way to the door quickly, accidentally bumping into jisungs mum as she was entering the house. He bowed quickly, not making eye contact and at this point, basically running from the house, once again, with jisung brushing off his mum and following closely behind.

Whether it was to set the mood, just bad luck or to make everything all the more cliche, it was still raining outside. Only as it had gotten later, it had only became heavier. "Minho!" Jisung screamed, the desperation clear as day in his voice. "Please stop!"

To both jisung and Minhos surprise, he did. He stopped, and slowly he turned around too.
"What do you want?" Minho whispered, sounding defeated. "I- I'm so sorry Minho, what you just saw wasn't supposed to happen and-" Minho scoffed quietly, taking a step closer to the younger.
"Stop. God jisung just please stop. Don't try and tell me that wasn't supposed to happen, because if it wasn't, it wouldn't of. Don't try and tell me he forced you to because from what I saw, it could've easily been take the opposite way and for God's sake don't you dare tell me you're sorry. Because you're not sorry for what you did, you're just sorry you got caught." Jisung fell silent, his tears now spilling down his cheeks in perfect harmony with the rain on his face.

Minho laughed. "And to think I trusted you. I texted you every god damn day that I couldn't see you, and you? Barely even answered my messages. I wrote you letters and video called you, but you? Were to busy with Mingi, clearly now I see why."

Minhos voice became more intense. " I always gave you the benefit of the doubt. I always believed that I was just paranoid. That I was just insecure and making things up in my head but all this time I've just been making excuses for you and how you've treating me and it's bullshit jisung! It's fucking bullshit. Whenever I was with you, I felt so alone, like you were always off in your own world. And now look at me jisung, look at us. I was alone. All this time. What happened to what we had? What happened to the boy who I first? What happened to the boy who used to get panicked when I so much as looked him? What happened to the boy who ran away out of nervousness when he was planning on confessing to me? huh?" Minhos voice cracked as the harsh words slipped off his tongue, hitting jisung hard.

"Who's gonna hold me now when I go home and cry about this? Who's going to play with my hair and tell me everything's okay? Who's going to surprise me with back hugs and get coffee with me in the morning? Who's going to tell me I'm beautiful? Who's going to wipe my tears?" Minho stepped closer to jisung. "I'm sorry if I wasn't good enough for you. But I tried so hard jisung. I tried so hard to see only the good, but that, that was the last straw. And I-.... I can't do this anymore jisung."

At this point jisung was already broken. What hurt the most was that everything minho was saying to him was true.

"Minho please don't go.... I-I need you." Minho wiped his tears and took in a deep breath, slowly turning on his foot in the direction of his car. "That sounds like something you're gonna have to deal with on your own. I'm done."

"Minho STOP!


I love you too!"

Minho froze, turning to face jisung and seeing the small, now soggy card in his hand. He must of left it in the floor when he was rushing out the door. God damn it why was he so stupid? The 3 words printed on it " I love you" held so much meaning, and now, jisung was using it against him.

"Do you even know what tomorrow is jisung?"
Jisung looked down at the ground, Minho shaking his head as he harshly shut his car door and drive off, becoming only a spec in the distance for jisung.


Slowly jisung walked inside, drenched, cold and heartbroken. He saw his mum standing only a few feet away from him, throwing a light blue towel in his direction. "You're such an idiot jisung. But you're still my son and I don't want you to get sick. Dry yourself and then think about how you're going to fix this because that boy deserved none of that."

Reaching his room, jisung was greeted with the presence of the last person he wanted to see right now. "Jisung im so sorry, but look at it this way, we can be together now!" Mingi said with hopeful eyes.
Jisung looked at him in disgust.
"Get the fuck out of my house." With those few words Mingi was gone, and as jisung slowly curled himself up underneath a pile of blankets on his bed, he had never felt emptier or colder in his entire life.

Authors note 💕
I wrote this chapter yesterday but fell asleep half way through and dropped my phone on my face. I now have a bruise on my nose. That was my karma for writing this chapter. Good luck folks.
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