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Minho and jisung laid on their backs, hands intertwined as they looked up at the sky.

"That one looks like a pirate ship!" Jisung yelled as he pointed to one of the clouds. Minho scoffed.
"That one? No way, it's definitely a horse."

"A horse?!" Jisung replied, his tone of voice resembling that of a toddler. "You've officially lost it Lee Minho."

Not long after the two boys left the cemetery, Minho decided he didn't feel like going home just yet and much to Jisungs liking, suggested they go and lay somewhere in the sun.

So there they were, on a hill, near a park, by a road, that was somewhere near the ocean. To be quite frank, they didn't really know where exactly they were, but to both of them, they had their other half so it really didn't matter.

"I think I need a holiday." Minho stated,breaking the peaceful silence that had fell over them only a few minutes earlier.

Jisung turned to look at him, propping himself up on of his elbow, resting his head on his hand. "Where to?"

Minho closed his eyes and took a deep, relaxed breath. "Hmm I'm not quite sure. Maybe.... Australia?" Jisung shook his head approvingly.

"Like where Chan and Felix come from, nice."

Minho smiled, thinking about being there. "I heard that if you go at the right time of year, the sky is the brightest blue and the suns always out. The air there is unbelievably fresh and at night, you can see stars brighter than the few we can see from here."

Jisung admired the elder and noticed how is eyes sparkled at simply the thought. "Australia it is then."
He said before laying back down.

"What do you mean?" Minho questioned, turning to face the boy. "I'll take you to Australia. After your mums wedding and once all is settled at your home, we can fly there."

Minho looked at the younger in disbelief. "You're kidding, right?" Jisung just shook his head and continued to soak up the sun. "A holiday would be nice! Besides, your wish is my command, princess."

Minho just laughed as he looked at the boy, "You can't be serious."

"Minho, what good is it having a rich boyfriend if you don't use him for his money?!" The younger jokingly exclaimed.

"Because I love you! And you're my boyfriend, not my sugar daddy." Minho replied turning slightly pink.

"We could change that baby boy." Jisung stated boldly, wiggling his eyebrows. Minho stated in disbelief. "Hey! You're younger than me, show some respect you brat." He said, trying to keep a straight face but failing miserably.

The two boys simultaneously burst into laughter, clutching at their aching ribs. What started as ripples of laughter, soon became waves of hilarity. They laughed for so long they forgot what was even funny, but by now it was too late and they had both already dissolved into an ocean of giggles.

Jisung looked at the older who now had tears forming in his eyes from laughing so hard. ' This is it.' He thought. 'My favourite place in the world.'

Lew Minho was what created the warmth you feel when you can't even begin to describe how god damn happy you are, because it isn't something you can even begin to put into words, rather someone who continues to remind you through their actions each and every passing day.

"Fuck, I love you." The younger whispered under his breathe. Almost as if re realising something he's already known for the past year.

Minho stopped laughing, but the smile on his face only grew wider as his cheeks turned a bright red. The two boys eyes were locked, to anyone it would seem as if jisung was waiting for him to say it back.
But when Minho pounced on the younger, holding his face in his hands and connecting their lips as they rolled over into a new position on the green grass, he didn't have to. This was enough.

Minho was beaming. He had never thought he was capable of loving someone this much, let alone being loved this much.  "I love you here." "And I love you here." "And I love you here." "And I love you here ." "And I love you here." Minho continued to state between soft kisses he was placing all over the boys body.

The sun was beginning to add colour to their pale skin. Both of them knew that they would get scolded by their parents for returning home the colour of a tomato.

"We should go." Jisung said brushing a piece of hair out of Minhos face. "Stay with me tonight?"

Minho couldn't even speak. He was almost completely paralysed. Or as it is usually called, love struck. There was nothing particularly special about what Jisung just said, it was everyday conversation in fact.

But every now and again, Minho seemed to forget how in love he actually was with the boy. And when Jisung reminded him, he needed a second to put himself together again. And since his words still wouldn't form, he just kissed him.

Nothing heated. Nothing lustful. Just a kiss between two people so fucking in love with eachother, they can't think of anything else to do. So that's what they did. They stayed there for a little longer than expected and spoke without words.


"I call little spoon!" Jisung announced as he jumped onto his bed. The elder smiled and sarcastically rolled his eyes. "You're always little spoon."

Jisung took off his shirt and wrapped his body up in the duvet. Minho closely behind, doing the same, sliding under the covers and wrapping his arms around Jisungs waist.

He rested his chin on the youngers shoulder and playfully nibbled his ear. Jisung giggled.

"You're such a bother Mr. Lee." Jisung fake whined, wriggling from the elders grip only to be move over to the furthest side of the bed.

Minho pouted and scooted closet to the younger once again wrapping his arms around him, tighter than last time. "No escaping now." He said as he peppered Jisung cheek and neck with soft pecks. Soon enough, he heard little snores coming from the smaller and being content with the fact his lover was finally getting rest, laid his head down on his own pillow, nothing but the happiest of thoughts following him as he drifted to sleep.

I need someone to love me as much as Minho loves Jisung :(

I'm not sure if I'll update again before Christmas so if I don't I want to wish all of my beautiful angel readers the happiest of holidays.

You all deserve the entire world and I'm so thankful for each and every one of you who have made the past 6 months of writing this story so amazing with all of your undying support. You truly are what keep me motivated and your comments give me so much encouragement.

I love you all dearly. Every single one of you.
Merry Christmas babies <3

Be sure to vote and comment for more :)

Ry x

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