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Minho attempted to hold back his emotions but no matter how hard he tried, tears still threatened to fall.

He looked around and smiled.

After all this time, it was finally over.

He wasn't sure whether that made him happy or not, his feelings were undeniably mixed.

No more homework or stressing about final exams. No more partnering up with the smart kids for group assignments so he could avoid the workload and no more throwing letters at his friends from one side of the room to the other.

No more school fairs and soccer games, no more cafeteria lunches that tasted like cardboard and certainly no more love confessions falling from his locker accompanied by boxes of chocolate signed 'anonymous'.

Although he complained about it at the time, he was thankful for it, every single second. Most of all, he was glad that he was graduating high school with his best friends by his side, even if they were currently whacking each other with their diplomas.


He waited nervously for his name to be called, looking down at his hands, he begged for them to stop their violent shaking.

Things were going to be different from here on, this was the first day of the rest of his life. It was scary, but he knew he would be okay. He had been smart enough to surround himself with the right people and that gave him the guarantee he would be just fine.

Nevertheless, something made him feel empty. Someone, rather.

Jisung wasn't here.

Minho was upset, but he understood. Some things just weren't meant to be, he assumed this was one of them.

It was a weird thought to him, missing this place.

He had spent so many years wishing for it to end, yet now that it was, he wasn't entirely sure it was something he wanted.

No longer would he have an excuse to see his friends everyday or an actual need to have a rountine in his life.

He didn't know where he was going from here, his grades meant that he had already been offered university scholarships all over the place and people had been throwing job opportunities at him left and right however there was something he knew for sure is that he could only go up from here, and there was only one person he wanted by his side through it all.

"Lee Minho" his head shot up as he heard his name be announced through the speakers.

People began to clap as he made his way to the stage, yet the screams of his friends and family were much louder making him chuckle as he took a deep breath.

"Good afternoon fellow parents, teachers and the class of 2020. When I found out last week that I would be making this speech in front of you all, I was honestly shocked. Throughout my high school life, I've been through a lot of ups and downs. These resulted in mood swings, skipping school and being late for many of my classes, most of which I'm sure the teachers would remember, but rather forget."

The audience laughed as the teachers shook their heads jokingly. Minho smiled cheekily and adjusted the microphone.

"What I'm trying to say, is mistakes don't define you and neither does your past. It doesn't matter who you used to be, it matters who you are today and that you are even better tomorrow. If you were to tell me 6 months ago that I would be standing here on this stage talking to you all, I would've laughed in your face and I'm sure a lot of people would've thought the same, but luckily for me the people around me refused to lose hope even when I already had. If this taught me anything, it is that yes, myself, and I'm sure most of you, have made many mistakes in the past, but if you let people or even yourself, judge you on that, they have no reason to be in your future."

ᴛᴀsᴛᴇs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ // Minsung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now