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"You know..." Jisung started as he put his chopsticks down and looked at the elder, sitting across from him at the cafe. "The weddings in a few days and I know that your relationship with your mums boyfriend has improved, but I really want you to talk to me more."

Minho looked at him confused. The two boys had started the day like any other. They woke up after spending the night at Minhos for one of the very first times and then decided that in "celebration" of minho formally coming out to his mum, they would go out for breakfast. So here they sat, looking like two bros, chilling at a cafe, 1 foot apart cause they're kinda gay.

"What do you mean? I tell you everything ji." The older said slightly laughing and ruffling his own hair.

"I know and I don't want to push you, but are you really ready for them to get married?"

Minho fell silent as he thought about this for a while. He didn't hate doyoon anymore, deep down he knew he never really did. He just needed someone to blame for all the shitty things going on in his life.

When his dad died, it messed him up in ways no amount of therapy sessions could even begin to heal. He felt like a part of him was broken off and tossed away, even if that part was a little rusty to begin with.

When his mum got a boyfriend, even though he knew it was wrong, he blamed him for everything. He blamed him for breaking his family up, although he knew, his family was already broken.

He didn't see him as the helping hand he always was, rather, one that continuously knocked him down. Luckily, he met jisung and he was distracted for a while and finally had a reason to pull himself out of the pity party he continued to throw for himself.

Jisung gave him a new perspective on things. He showed him things from a different view and said the words everyone else was too afraid to say to him. But not jisung, never his jisung.

Although Minho had learnt to forgive what never really needed to be forgiven, his mind went back to Jisungs question. Was he ready for him mum to remarry? Was he prepared enough to actually call doyoon his step dad? Could he really see him self opening up and allowing him to be that father figure he never really had?

Minho sighed heavily. "Actually, maybe I'm not."
Jisung smiled sympathetically and reached his hand across the table to hold minhos.

"Let me take you somewhere."


When jisung stopped the car, Minho looked around at a place he once knew all too well. He hadn't been here in years yet it was one of those places that no matter how long you stay away from, will always feel like no time has passed when you return.

The cemetery.

"Why are we here jisung?" Minho questioned, asking something he truly already knew the answer to as they exited the car and began to walk across the fresh grass.

"Minho, baby," Jisung began as he turned to face his boyfriend. "you can't hold a new hand, when you still haven't let go of another."

All it took were these words before Minho really understood exactly why jisung had brought him here. Minho bent down and traced his fingers across the plaque.

"I still see him sometimes, you know?" Minho spoke quietly as jisung leant down next to him and guided Minhos head to rest on his shoulder.

"Every now and again, I think I'm going crazy because I swear I hear his voice." The boy choked out, the taste of salt lacing his mouth as his lips caught the tears he refused to let drop.

"And I hate how he always comes just when I need him." Minhos voice cracked as he continued through sobs. "He doesn't deserve to still get to be a father for me now that he's gone. Why should he still get the chance? He already fucked it up."

Jisung stroked his boyfriend hair, feeling his heart hurt as the older continued to cry.

"He's more of a father now that he's dead than he was when he was here. Why did it take being put in the dirt for him to realise I mattered?" He wailed.

"B-but, even when he was going through all the pain he was and drinking his life away, he still tried to be there for me. He tried, jisung. Why couldn't it have been good enough? Why wasn't I worth trying harder for?"

Jisung felt his heart shatter as he pulled the older as close as the world would allow him to. "You are everything Minho. Don't ever think that you weren't worth it. You're father was a good man who made some fucking stupid mistakes, but he loved you with his whole heart, I know he did."

Minho was now crying to the point where his mouth was open, but no sound was coming out. His head hurt from how hard his eyes were forced shut and his body felt weak as his hands gripped jisung for support.

"I'm sorry I look so weak." The boy wailed. "But I've had to be so strong for so long."

Jisung placed a soft kiss on his boyfriends lips and caressed his cheek as their foreheads rested together. "You don't have to be strong for anyone anymore. You're mums got someone else to rely on now, and you minho, you've got me."

Jisung wrapped his arms around minho as he pulled him up from his squatting position and held him in a tight embrace.

"There's no need to pretend you're okay anymore."

Well, it been almost a month since I updated and yet I managed to write this chapter the second I decided to start it. I apologise but I've had the worst writers block.

I really could end the story in the next chapter, but I know a lot of you enjoy this so I'm trying to drag it out as much as I can without it getting boring.

Also! I have started a new book by the name of, "illuminated" and it's been out for a while, I think there's 5 chapters so far and you guys wanted another Minsung story so I gave you what you wished!

I'm actually excited for this as I have what I think is a really good storyline planned out and I've spent a lot of time thinking about it! It would mean the world if you checked it out and let me know what you think xoxox

Be sure to vote and comment for more :)

Ry x

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