Let loose

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Jisung wasn't sure what had happened. Was it just him, or had the air become a whole lot hotter when San grabbed his hand and took him onto the dance floor?

After weeks of being stressed at work and with everything going on at home, Jisung was finally able to let loose.

Not only had his ideas been approved immediately by his boss along with being granted a raise, but he he had received word from back home that Minho was doing better, a lot better, being himself again.

The blonde felt his steps lighten at all of this, the weights he didn't even realise were there had fallen off of his shoulders and now, it was time to have fun.

He had been in Australia for almost 7 months now and not once had he gone out after dark. He didn't even realise it but everytime someone would invite him out, he'd make up an excuse just because he was so in routine of having no time for himself. Tonight however, that had changed.

He didn't plan to go out, heck, he didn't even plan to leave his bed. Yet, something about the way San looked when he came into Jisungs room all dressed up pleading to be allowed to show Jisung the scene he was missing out on, made it impossible for him to turn the elder down.

It was funny to him how he always ended up in places like these. Whether it was back home in Korea when he was way too young, being dragged by hyunjin and Felix, one of which was curious and the other who was just horny. Clubs were never something he despised, but he could only really enjoy them in small doses.

His mind flew back to the night he had first kiss with a girl. He remembered waiting at the door while his raven haired best friend marched in, not even getting questioned about his age, only to return with some random girl in a pink dress which for the record was way too sparkly and tight.

She was already off her head at this point so found no problem at all in doing a "simple favour for a small, pitiful virgin" as hyunjin had put it.

No need to say it was traumatising, and the last time his lips came within proximity of a woman that wasn't his mother.

He smiled when he remembered the night he had taken Minho there, at the very beginning of their relationship. Excitement was imbedded in that night. Minho met his parents and friends for the first time. Things were getting serious, he could finally call the boy he knew he loved (whether he had admitted it yet or not) his.

This place was different to the ones he had grown accustomed to back home. There were less costumes and dress ups yet a whole more skin being displayed to his wondering eyes. He was glad he had someone like familiar with the place like San with him, otherwise he would've lost at least 2 limbs in the mosh pit he just got dragged into.

He didn't exactly mean to rub up against the other so much, but when there's easily 600 people packed into a small space dancing like a beetle after being bug sprayed, it was kind of inevitable.

He melted into it when San wrapped his arms around his waist, guiding his hips in motion with the music. Jisung threw his arms up into the air and threw them around carelessly.

Suddenly a pair of lips were on his own. He knew who they belonged to of coarse and he was slightly taken aback, but not entirely complaining. If he had drunk 2 less shots, maybe he would've felt slightly guilty for doing this here, but that wasn't the case and right now, nothing seemed to really matter.

Eventually he needed to breath so he pulled his head away and threw it back slightly, only for the elder to use this as a way to gain access to the soft skin of Jisungs neck.

The blonde couldn't help but bite his lip at the sensation, It had been so long since someone had touched him like this. It was different to say the least, but never has different been a synonym for bad.

ᴛᴀsᴛᴇs ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ // Minsung ✔️Where stories live. Discover now