Good luck

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The 2 days that followed were hard on both Minho and jisung. Jisung was quiet. Didn't really want to go out at all and wouldn't be responsive when Minho spoke to him, almost as if he was constantly deep in thought. After the weekend, as usual Minho went home. But once again, as usual, they planned on seeing each other on Monday after school.

The school day was slow and painful. Jisung got scolded by multiple teachers for not paying attention in class, and hyunjin kept trying to talk to him, make him feel better, but unfortunately it just made him feel worse. All that was on his mind was Mingi. The whole situation was stressing him out. He wanted to call him. He wanted to see him. He wanted to catch up. But the second last time him and Mingi spoke, was one of the worst, and most painful conversations of his life.

Why did he have to come back now? Jisung was fresh into a relationship with someone he really really liked. Things were going so well. He thought that because Mingi was finishing school on another scholarship in Malaysia, he wouldn't have to deal with him again, or at least not for another 2 years. Mingi had asked to hang out. But the truth was, jisung was scared. When Mingi and him dated, he was so unbelievably in love with the boy, and after they broke up, the feelings didn't disappear. Only in the last 6 months had he officially gotten over him , but you know what they say about your first love, you'll always love them. That's what scared jisung most, falling for him again.

Jisung knew that the solution to his problem was simple. He had to call Mingi and meet him again. Maybe the reason he couldn't get over him for so long was because he was never given closure. Maybe that's what he needed. He had no intention of taking Mingi back. He had found happiness in Minho. And he promised hyunjin,

he wouldn't let Mingi ruin is happiness again.

Baby 💕
Hey Min, something came up
and I can't meet you at the park today, sorry x

Minnie x
Oh that sucks, I was looking forward to seeing you all day :( what came up? xx

Baby 💕
I decided to call Mingi, he's coming over

Minnie x
Oh. Okay. Well good luck baby x

Baby 💕
ll call you later x

Minho couldn't deny the fact that he felt heartbroken. How could he not? Not only did jisung bail on him but his boyfriend, was having his ex over at his house. That would make any sane person nervous. He was trying his best to be supportive of his boyfriend because he knew that's what jisung needed. Time, space and support. He knew it would be hard for him. Hopefully after they catch up, it'll be over and Mingi won't be their lives anymore.

Although he felt a bit deflated after his plans with jisung were cancelled, he was still bored. Chan and his 2 friends were out so he couldn't hang out with him, changbin was playing basketball with seungmin, and jisung-, well he's with Mingi. The boy huffed in annoyance as he flicked the rough his contacts, seeing who he could call to hang out. Surprisingly his finger kept hovering over the same contact name.


To say jisung was nervous, was an understatement. He had showered 3 times due to the amount of sweat he was producing and was shaking like crazy. 'Breathe jisung, breathe' he thought as he opened up the front door to his house, revealing the tall boy.
"Jisung." Mingi said as he engulfed the younger into a tight hug. "Hey." Jisung replied, already feeling overwhelmed.

"How have you been? We didn't have much time to talk the other night so please, tell me everything! Are your parents home?" Jisung laughed nervously.
"Ah yeah they're in the kitchen." Mingi smiled widely. "Great!"

"Hug me if I'm wrong, but is that Mingi I see?" Jisungs mother yelled as she pulled the boy into a tight embrace. "AW sweetie! It's been far too long!"
"How are you my boy?" Jisungs father asked as he patted him on the shoulder.

"I've been good! I actually just graduated university, so I won't be leaving Korea anytime soon! It's a pleasure to see the two of you, but I actually came here to have a very important chat with your son. You know, just catching up and all. Please excuse me." Mingi said with a bow.
"You boys have fun now!" Jisungs mother added with a smile before Mingi grabbed jisungs hand.
"Let's go for a walk outside, I miss your garden."

Authors note 💕
[not proofread lol]
Fun fact: I wrote this in the bath. Also day6 just had a comeback and 🤩🤩🤩
This chapter is a bit of a mess but be sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed <3

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