Chapter One: Fire Whiskey

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Summer was almost over, it was almost time to head back to Hogwarts for my seventh and final year of school. Well, maybe my final year of school, it was still very possible that I would end up at a muggle university after graduation. Up until now, I had lived my life split between the magical world and the muggle world, both of them holding a special place in my heart. I'm a muggle-born witch and the only witch in my family. 

During summer's off from Hogwarts, I return home to Yorkshire and pretty much lead a muggle life. During the school year, I am surrounded by wonder and fantasy, literally living within a few hundred meters of unicorns and learning new ways to use my magic every day. I was hoping that this final summer would give me some clarity about my future, but no such luck! I'm still as confused as ever! My friends always talk about how great it will be to be together in the wizarding world once we are out of Hogwarts, while my parents discuss which muggle career path would be the best for me to follow. Everyone seemed to have a plan for me, except for me.

All I knew for certain was that table three's food was up, and I had no time to think about the future during my shift. I had worked at Kim's Bistro for a few years now. Since Hogwarts ran on a different schedule than most British schools, there was always a recently vacated waitressing position due to some kid returning to school just as I started holiday.

"Vivian! The kid at table seven spilled chili all over himself and his surrounding area, could you be a dear and go help the parents clean up, I have to pee so badly!" My co-worker Ashley bellowed across the kitchen.

"I'll clean up your kid if you take table three from me when you get back so I can get outta here early."


I laughed to myself as Ashley sprinted towards the bathrooms and I grabbed some wet washcloths from the bussing bins. The absolute worst time to be a witch in the muggle world was when I was waitressing. If this was a wizarding restaurant I could just flick my wand and presto, chili mess gone! But instead, I have to act like magic doesn't exist and try to clean up a table as a crying toddler continues to whip chili at anything and everything.

After I finally got the table clean and put an order in for some chips for the toddler, who threw his dinner instead of eating it, I clocked out and got in my old lemon of a car. I looked around to make sure no one else was in the parking lot and could see me, before slipping out my wand.

"Tergeo" I muttered, and the chili that had accumulated on me from table seven was gone and I was ready to enjoy the rest of my day. I decided to take some of my tip money and stop by the local pub for a quick drink before returning home.

The pub was mostly empty as it was still rather early in the evening. An older couple sat near one of the windows quietly bickering about something, a group of uni students sat around chatting, and a handsome older man sat in the corner by himself. I groaned internally when I saw him, I usually sat at that table, it was the ideal location to sit and see everyone in the pub; it was perfect for people-watching. Oh well, I thought to myself, I 'd just have to sit somewhere else.

I walked up to the bar and ordered a Jack and Coke, before heading to a booth near my usual seat. However, as I passed the man at my table something made me stop. His fingers were wrapped around a glass of what looked like whiskey, but there were small embers floating in it. Immediately I recognized it from my trips to Hogsmeade during school.

The man seemed rather alarmed by my sudden halt next to him, "Can I help you with something?" He sounded more amused than annoyed.

"Ya," I laughed before lowering my voice, "You can tell me how you got fire whiskey in a muggle pub?"

The man's eye grew wide for a moment before he relaxed and gestured at the seat across from him.

"I brought it in myself, figured no one would notice if I switched out a muggle whiskey for this," he assured me as I sat down.

Fire Whiskey in the Moonlight (Remus Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now