Ch. 6: Skating Time

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I hear Felix announce the partners.

"1. Marin and Marinette
2. Adrien and Carlos
3. Alya and Bri
4. Nino and Sam
5. Rose and Olivia
6. Juleka and Jenny
7. Ivan and Michael
8. Mylene and Ava
9. Chloe and Taylor
10. Nathaniel and Evan
11. Sabrina and Dana
12. Max and Josh
13. Lila and Hannah
14. Ms. Bustier and Celeste

I will manage the music you choose. You may all head to the back to practice. There are 14 rooms. Your number I have you and your partner is the same room you'll be practising in."

We all head to the back and I watch as everyone practices. I hear Marin say,

"Are you ready to start practising?"

" No... I'm not going to be practising at all... "


" I'm scared that if I need up I'll fail it again... Like last time. You heard what the doctor said that day.. Right? "


" I'm afraid I'll fall... Then won't be able to do it when it's my turn... Our turn... I loved figure skating... I still do... I just can't practice at all right now. "

After 3 hours everyone is ready. We all enter the main part of the rink. The order is 14 to 1. I go sit by everyone else. I watch as group by group does a good job. Even Chloe. After a while it's me and Marin's turn.

We step up and start. We both do the same thing as we did 8 years ago. It was the time to do the steps we failed that day. I hear the song that we used 8 years ago.

We both step back. Each of us about 10 feet away from the wall. I skates towards Marin. As I reached him I ducked under him. With my feet under my back and knees bent. I sit there as the music keeps playing. I finally say,


The music stops and everyone states at me.

"Stop... I can't... I can't do it... I failed it once... I got a second chance... I can't do it again... I won't be able to get a third chance... I can't..."

I skate to the benches and take off my skates. I stand up and say,

"I can't... I'm sorry..."

I walk over to Felix and the group.

"Don't say a word about... Maria... My past here. If they are ask I was reminded too much of her..."

I reach the exit and say to everyone,

"I have to go..."

I leave the skating rink. I call the limo to take me home.

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