Ch. 30: The Chat/A/N at the end.

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I go find Hades and Maleficent.

I see them and walk up to them.

"Hey..." I say.

" hello sweetie... We brought you here because we have some ideas as to why those things happened in that room. " Maleficent says.

"Same..." I say.

" i think that its because I'm part Maleficent and Hades... I think its also because ive been holding back on my evil side... I dont think i can hold it in 'till my coronation... Sure this place is the biggest and will fit entire kingdoms but... I didn't want to be here... For my coronation because my evil side feels the strongest while I am here... Thats why I never stay for too long... The more I stay here... The harder it gets to hold her back... I dont want to move kingdoms... It'll take too long even with portals and it'd be exhausting. I want to be able to become queen... Just like my Mal did... But she chose good and fully got rid of her evil side... Me on the other hand... I want to be good... But i can't... Sometimes i have to release a little bit of that evil side to fight evil... With all that's been going on with my life lately... Its been stressful for sure... But I still dont know what side to choose... When I turned evil... Or akimatized... I felt like I could finally let her out... I felt like the real me... Not having to be the perfect princess or heroine everyone expects me to be... I felt like I could do whatever i wanted... Like i was the person i was meant to be in the first place... If anything happeneds... Thats my fault... That i cant control... I'm sorry... " I say.

"Its ok... We also thinks its because your half me and Maleficent... Thats the only logical solution..." Hades says.

I nod and stand up. I see them stand up too. I hug them and go back to my room.

Hey guys. Sorry its so short. I haven't been able to post lately cuz of school. Ill try to do it more often. Until next time. Bug Out!

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