Ch. 34: Control

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I see everyone shake in fear as they look at me.

"You can run but you can't hide!" I say.

" Alex! Please! Control it! You are strong! I know you can do it! I know you can control it! I believe in you. " Mal says.

I hear a scream. I look to see Audrey and Chad looking at me.

"Look! She's a monster! Just like her..." Audrey starts.

Before she can finish the sentence I Levotato her to my face.

"Finish that sentence... I dare you!" I yell.

" M-mother... Just like her family! " she yells.

Anger surges through me and I feel a fire burning in my soul.

I feel fire in my hand.

I aim it at Audrey.

Before I can blast her with it, when Chad pushes her out of the way.

"No!" I yell.

The fire goes to the floor.

"You can't do this! Audrey might be mean at times but that doesn't mean you can blast her with fire!" I yell.

" So! She insulted us! " I yell.

"That doesn't matter! The past is the past! Just let it go!" I yell.

" Fine! Only this once! " I yell.

Soon I feel myself in full control.

I breathe heavily.

My look stays the say but my hair isn't on fire.

I look around me and reverse everything.

Soon everything is repared.

After hours of questions I go to room and fall asleep.

Hey guys. Sorry this took so long. I've been busy with school. anyway I hope you guts enjoyed this lil chappy. Until next time. Bug Out!

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