Ch. 19: Tries, Fails, Threats, And Advice

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I wake up and put on my regular outfit. I grab my purse and some cookies for Tikki. I head downstairs and say bye to Tom and Sabine. I go out the door and get in the limo. After 10 minutes I arrive at school. I get out and before I can get to Ms. Bustier's class, I see a crowd of students. I make my way to the crowd. I reach the front and I see Adrien nervously standing by Gabriel. I narrow my eyes on Gabriel. He pushed me towards him as I look at him weirdly. I feel his hands on my ears. I pretend not to notice. As he's about to take them I turn around and flip him. I point my dagger at him. I feel my eyes turn green but I don't care.

"Like I said. You try to take them... You'll have problems. You're never going to get them... So stop. The more you try... The more I might be forced to tell him. If you don't want him to know... You'd be wise and not do it again." I tell him.

U walk through the crowd and make my way to Ms. Bustier's class. I get to my seat and sit down. As everyone enters they stare at me.

"What?" I ask.

"you just flies over my father!?" Adrien says.

" So... He knew what was coming to him if he tried. Anyway I don't need to tell you. It's between me and him... I'm not going to tell you anything. No matter how hard you try. " I say.

At lunch
I sit at my table. I'm the last one to be there. I see Gabriel Agreste behind me but I pretend not to notice. I feel him take off one earring. I see him reach for the other. As he's about to take it off I turn around.

I step on his arm and open his hand. I take my earrings from him. I put it back in.

"STOP. TRYING. You're never going to get them. No matter how hard you try. If you get to ten strikes I will not hesitate to tell him... Even if it means he hates me from keeping it from him. But I know for a fact he could forgive me. You on the other hand. I highly doubt it. Also I knew you were there. I just pretended not to notice..." I start.

I lean in and whisper.

"Just so you know... I am 10 times more stronger and powerful than you... If you keep trying... You might end up having something broken... I'm not talking about your heart if I tell him. I'm talking about you. Something of yours will end up broken if you keep this up. Maybe I should do your arm first... Who knows... If you don't want anything broken or fractured, I suggest you stop."

U get off of him and say.

"I suggest you keep in mind of what I've told you yesterday and today."

I walk off and get to my next class.

After school
So far Gabriel has tried 6 times to get my earrings. He always fails. I don't want to tell Adrien that his father's Hawkmoth, but I guess he really doesn't care about how Adrien feels. I go outside and immediately see Gabriel standing at the bakery door.

"You try to take them 4 more times I'll be forced to take it myself. Clearly you don't care about how Adrien feels since you've already tried 6 times..." I say.

" I came here to apologize for what I've done. " he says.

"I got an idea. You transform and apologize to all of Paris. It will be live in the Eiffel Tower. Everyone will be forced to watch it. You need to explain why you turned people into akumas. What your reason was. Don't reveal yourself either. I want Adrien to be happy. Once you finish epistemology you will give the miraculous to me. And don't try to decoy it and give me a fake one. I'd be able to tell either way. Tomorrow night at sunset." I say.

" Deal. " he says.

He walks off and I transform. I call Chat and tell him what's going down tomorrow. I don't reveal who he is. After the call I hang up and de-transform. Soon after that I go to sleep.

Hey guys. I hope you're liking it so far. If you've seen any spelling or grammar mistakes please tell me. I'm working on another story. It's called, 'The Himiko Twins' I know I said I'd only do one story at a time but I don't care anymore. Until next time. Bug Out!

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