Ch. 25: Confessions

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I'm dragged to the library.

I see Adrien.

"Hey." I say.

" Hey" he says back.

"So why'd you drag me here?" I ask.

" I wanted to talk to you alone in private. " he says.

"You could've just asked but ok." I say.

" Marinette... I love you... Not just because you're Ladybug, a princess, a pop star, a model, a person from 5 different places, that you used to be a figure skater, that you take fencing, piano, flute, or guitar lessons. I love you for you... I hope you know that. " he says.

"All this time... I thought I could only love one guy... I never have Chat Noir a chance because I loved you Adrien. I love you for you... When I first met you... I thought you were a snobby rich kid like Chloe... Then when you told me that you've never been to a public school and that you were trying to take the fun off my seat... That's when I fell in love with you. Eventually I realized that I couldn't stay away from neither you or Chat. I ended up falling in love with Chat. After the kiss when we were fighting Dark Cupid... I started to be confused about my feelings... Then the picture from after e defeated Oblivio... I knew I loved you... I know that our memories were erased... But I remembered everything... I knew that you were Chat Noir since that day... I never told you because I didn't want you to know... To be honest I think I always had a crush on Chat Noir from the start... I think I was just in denial... I always told myself that my heart belongs to Adrien... I was so in love with you that I didn't realize that I loved not only Adrien Agreste but Chat Noir too... I'm sorry for everything that I've done... Nothing will ever be the same since I was akumatized... I remember everything I did... I was so full of anger, sadness, and jealousy that I let her take control of my body... We need to get the others if we can... Our identities don't matter anymore... I revealed everyone even myself when I was akumatized... I need to apologize to everyone else... Let's just hope I can convince the police to keep Your dad and Natalie out of prison... You deserve a family... I know your father might think that he doesn't care about you... But he does... During Gorizilla... When you fell... He wanted to save you... That's why he told him to let me go... To save you... He didn't know you were Chat Noir until after I said it... when I was akumatized... No one can control themselves when they're akumatized... So it wasn't their fault... I had control over my body... I could've held her back... But I didnt... I let her take control... And because of that... All of our identities are out... Revealed to the world... I'm sorry for everything that I've done... " I say.

"Hey... It's ok... Everyone makes mistakes... Even after what happens... We will always be here with you..." He reassures.

"Thanks, kitty." I say.

" One more question Buginette... " he starts.

"Who is her?" He asks.

" The... Evil, reckless, dangerous side of me... The person I once was when I was in Auradon, and the isle... I know Auradon isn't the best place... But there's no villains... The people who used to be villains turned good... But when I'm there... The evil part of me is stronger than it is here... I know how to control it... But I'm not sure how long... Normally I'm only there for a couple of hours... The most I've been there was when I was 1 then enemies attacked when I was 2 so I was out up for adoption and raised for about a year in New York. you know the rest. " I explain

"Yeah... The more I think about it the more I think my life was easy and that normal citizens loves were simple. How do you get so used to not being able to see your families are mange to function when you're so busy?" He asks.

" Well, I got used to it over the years. Normally it's only half of the things I do all together. Very rarely will I have to do all of the activities on the same day. And also vary rarely will I only have to do one thing. I do get Saturday and Sunday free. But I use those days to visit family. I just do things perfectly to get them done faster then I have more time to sleep. And if I don't get enough sleep I just drink coffee. " I say.

"Oh! So that's why you always have coffee." He says.

" Yep. I just say I was up late last night doing designs or homework. I actually know all of the answers so I finish my homework at school. I do make some outfits but most of them were made when I was with my other families. I learned how to see when I was in Auradon. " I say.

"So... Is everyone from your families going?" He asks.

" Duh! Obviously. Even though one of them isn't royalty. There going anyway. And I invited you guys because you are all my friends. Even Chloe... She was my first friend and yeah. you already know that. Adrien... What are we? " I ask.

"Well, what do you think we are?" He asks.

" friends with benefits... I want us to be a couple. " I say.

"I do to. How about to seal it... We go on a date tomorrow." He says.

" Ok. " I say.

"I'll pick you up at 6:00 p.m." He says.

" Ok. We should go back to class. " I say.

"Class!" We both shout.

We both look at each other and run to class.

Hey guys. I hope you liked this chappy. Anyway until next time. Bug Out!

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