Ch. 31: Stronger/Revenge?

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I enter my room and everyone is asking questions.

I see everyone back away from me and stop talking.

I look at a mirror.

I see my eyes turned an electric blue and green. And my cheek marks change as well.

I slowly back up and think.

'weird... I thought only my eyes turned green whenever i got annoyed... And my cheek marks... They changed the same way when I was in that room... Maybe its just a one time thing... I'm sure itll be gone soon... Hopefully...'

I hear a knock on my door.

"E-Enter" I say.

Jay, Evie, Carlos enter my room

I refuse to look at them.

After 5 minutes I look up at them.

I hear them gasp.

I look in a mirror again.

I see that it hasn't changed back.

I gasp as I think.

'What!? It should've changed back by now... Oh no... It... It's... Getting... Stronger... But why? I'm in the farthest room away from that room... Wait... '

I shake my head as I realize something.

'It's... It's because I've been  here more than i usually am... But... Its never done this before... Maybe it's because i went in that room? you know what... It'll go away by dinner... Yeah...'

I finally relax and take deep breaths.

"Did you guys need something?" I ask them.

" Yeah... Um... Dinner will be ready in 10. " Evie says.

I hear another knock.

"Enter." I say.

I see Audrey and Chad enter my room.

I instantly hear them gasp.

"I KNEW IT! HA! SHE'S EVIL! JUST LIKE HER MOTHER! why do you all care for her? She doesnt deserve to be Queen... I do... Not this piece of trash!" Audrey yells.

I feel anger seep through me.

I walk up to Audrey and grab her by the collar of her dress.


"You heard me..." She retorts.

" you'll regret what youve said. " i say.

I teleport to the room and grab the scepter and the ember. I teleport back to the room. Before Aubrey and Chad have a chance to leave I slam the door shut. I snap my fingers and the door locks.

I walk up to Audrey and Chad and i say.


I throw Chad across the room.

I walk up to Audrey and say.

"Maybe Hades never should've let you wake up... Maybe just maybe... You'd like to return to... Oh i don't know... Your eternal nap." I say.

Before she can respond I create a force field around everyone else as I take out the scepter.

I hear her gasp.

"Please... Don't... Alex..." She bags.

" dont Alex me! " i say.

I tap the scepter on the ground and pink dust goes towards Audrey. As soon as it reaches her she collapses. Before it can escape i send it back to the scepter.

I release the force field. I teleport and return the scepter. I then teleport to the room again. I finally notice everything around me.

I gasp.

I take the ember and bring Audrey back.

she sits straight up and tries to get away from me.

"What?" I ask.

" What? What do you mean what!? " Alya says.

"You... You did this.. Too them..." Carlos says.

When i hear 'them' I look around the room. I see Chad sitting against the opposite aide of the room. He instantly gets up and grabs Audrey.

The door unlocks and they leave.

"You dont remember do you..." Jay aays.

I shake my head.

Alya takes her phone out and presses play.

Apparently she recorded it.

I drop her phone as the video ends.

I teleport to the room and return the ember them back to my own room.

"I... I'm sorry... I... After what happened... After what Audrey said... She must've taken over... Can you guys please not say anything... And make sure Audrey and Chad don't say anything either... Please... And i need a moment..." I say.

They all nod and leave.

I look in a mirror and the marks changed to normal.

I hear another knock.

"Enter." I say.

" dinner is ready. " A maid says.

I nod my head and say.

"I'll be there in a sec."

The maid nods and leaves.

I sigh and get ready for dinner.

Hey guys.i hope you all like this chappy. Until next time. Bug Out!

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