Ch. 20:Rejection/Apologies/One Last Time

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I wake up and put on my usual outfit. I grab a few cookies for Tikki and put them in my purse. Thankfully Tikki is in my purse so I don't have to go get her from my room. I go downstairs and say goodbye to Tom and Sabine. I leave the bakery and get in the car.

I get to school and get to class. I grab Adrien's arm. I pull him to the side of the school. I take a deep breathe and say.

"Adrien... I like you... More than just a friend. At first I thought you were a snobby rich kid like Chloe... You ended up proving me wrong with the passing months. I fell in love with you not because you are famous, rich or handsome. I don't care about those really. I fell in love with you because of your personality... I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date to the movies with me tonight. It's ok if you say no. It's ok if we stay as just friends... I rather have us be friends than nothing at all. I understand if you don't return my feelings..." I confess.

" I think it's cool that you like me but... I'm super busy today and I love someone else... I'm sorry... " Adrien says.

"Its ok... It was a stupid idea anyway. We should head to class before we're late. I just have to go to the bathroom. I'll meet you in the classroom soon." I say.

I walk off to the bathroom. I lock the door and cry.

'Of course he loves someone else... I'm just a nobody...  Was stupid enough to think that I was good enough for him... I was stupid enough to think he'd ever love me... I'm just a friend to him... Nothing more and nothing less... I just wish he could love me back... I wish I was a normal girl... Not a princess of 3 different dimensions. I wish I didn't have powers from 3 different dimensions... I wish I wasn't a model... A singer... A figure skater... Forced to learn chinese, flute, guitar, and piano... I just want a normal stress free life... I wish I wasn't Ladybug... I just want a normal stress free life... '

I take out my earrings as I say.

"I'm sorry Tikki..."

I open a portal and drop the miraculous in their box. I screw the box shut and put a note on it.

'Dear, Master Fu,

I'm sorry. I failed to be Ladybug. I failed to be the person everyone loves. Please give the miraculous to Alya Cesaire. She's my best friend. I think we both knew I wasn't cut out for this job. I never was. I think we both know it was a bad decision to give me the Ladybug miraculous. I can't do it anymore. I'm sorry. I failed my job. I failed everyone in Paris. Please tell Tikki that I'll miss her... Please tell Chat that I loved him... And that I'm sorry for failing him... Sorry that I failed to be the person everyone adores and looks up to... I don't care if you reveal my identity... After all I'm just a bakers daughter... I'm sorry if I'm not the Ladybug you expected me to be...

With deepest apologies,

Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Maria Dupain-Cheng, Lady Luck, The Masked Singer, Ladybug, Princess, M'lady, LB, Bugaboo, Buginette, Maribug, a best friend, a partner, a bakers daughter, a model, a fen ding student, chinese, piano, guitar, flute student, a princess, a figure skater, a chosen.

P.s. Please give this note to Chat Noir after you read it.'

Before I can open a portal a black butterfly goes into the locket.

Hey guys. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Not sorry about the cliffhanger. If you find any errors tell me which chapter. Until next time. Bug Out!

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